Jun 07, 2006 09:02
Thank you for allowing us to have a relatively problem free pregnancy, and allowing our little guy to stay in there for at least 34.5 weeks. We truely are blessed, and though we are excited to meet our son, it's okay if he stays in there for a while longer....
(Greatfulness inspired by a hard night at work...)
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Comments 6
Congratulations on your pregnancy!
Saturday she started contracting every 20 min, then by Sunday every 6-12. By Monday it was 5-15 min. She's still contracting, but they are not getting closer, and our midwives seem to think she will be like this for a week or two, and that it will hopefully make for a shorter latent phase once the contractions are consistently 5 mins apart.
We go to our lawyer today, and the midwives tomorrow...Though we were ready this past weekend for the boy to come, now he needs to wait until after the 3rd of July (G got a promotion at work and it starts Monday...and if she doesn't work 1 day in it before Mat. leave, they can't put her in the job).
The kicker is that the past 2 weeks at work I have delivered 3 babies all who were due between July 15th and 19th (ours is the 17th). All healthy, though a little small. And we just want to meet him!
How are you guys doing????
We are doing good. Taking birth classes and doing yoga. I'm in the hot, tired and crabby phase, but I'm ok if I can get a good night's sleep.
I'll be thinking of you guys in the weeks ahead!
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