
May 16, 2011 23:19

alright fuckstick this is a really fucking seri0us matter. y0u better fucking read every last w0rd in this message and y0u better fucking take them seri0usly.

y0u. d0. n0t. fucking. g0. behind. my. back.

vriska? seri0usly? she pr0bably w0uldn't even be a g00d kismesis s0 leave her the hell al0ne. i mean, y0u've already g0t me as y0ur fucking kismesis, why d0 y0u need t0 hateflirt with her? am i n0t g00d en0ugh 0r s0mething? is that it? because if that's the issue here i can and will fucking break up with y0u and just g0 find a new kismesis. i d0n't need s0me0ne as pathetic, disgusting, desperate, vile, terrible as y0u f0r my kismesis. i can pr0bably g0 find an0ther 0ne just as g00d as y0u.

alth0ugh, i'll give y0u an0ther fucking chance and i'll even step up my game, 0kay? just fucking st0p flirting with every0ne that thr0ws the slightest insult in y0ur way because y0u d0n't d0 that. fucking cheating 0n any0ne like y0u d0 is bullshit.

i c0uld seri0usly g0 0n f0r h0urs ab0ut h0w much i hate y0u and h0w pissed i am but i'm n0t g0ing t0. i'll just leave it with this message and pray t0 fucking tr0ll jesus that maybe these w0rds actually get thr0ugh y0ur thick head.

back the fuck 0ff 0f eridan. i mean, i d0n't care that much if y0u thr0w s0me insults here and there but i can fucking tell y0u've been flirting with him. y0u've already g0t a kismesis s0 seri0usly back 0ff. d0n't even say anything 0n the lines 0f i can't tell y0u what t0 d0 0r whatever because he's my fucking kismesis which gives me a right t0 tell y0u 0ff.

y0u really have n0 idea h0w pissed i am at this. just. seri0usly. leave him al0ne.


hey terezi. i just th0ught y0u sh0uld kn0w that vriska's been g0ing behind y0ur back with eridan. i d0n't think she'll listen t0 me if i tell her t0 back 0ff s0 y0u think y0u can p0ssibly tell her t0 back 0ff? i already sent her a message ab0ut it but again she hardly listens t0 me anyway s0 yeah. als0 i'm s0rry f0r being s0 mad 0ver the nepeta thing and the karkat thing. i mean, i never really knew what having a kismesis was like s0 i g0t s0 mad when y0u lied t0 pr0tect y0urs. but i'm a l0t m0re understanding n0w s0 yeah, i'm s0rry. and f0r the karkat thing, i'm still a little bit irked 0ver that but i am s0rry f0r h0w...well cruel i was. it was n0ne 0f my business and i sh0uldn't have acted the way i did.

i'm tired of all of this quadrant drama, !text, vriska serket, terezi pyrope, !ic, so ragy, eridan ampora, sollux captor, equius sucks, i can't believe i'm doing this

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