Happy holidays, just_ann_now! - Solstice [LotR]

Dec 18, 2011 16:24

Title: Solstice
Author: fairlyironic
Recipient: just_ann_now
Fandom: LOTR
Characters or Pairing: Boromir & Théodred preslash, Denethor, Théoden, Faramir
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Summary: Five solstices.
Notes: Tuilérë: Summer Solstice, Yáviérë: Winter Solstice, also, Boromir's DOB is 2978

Tuilérë 2983
There was a boy on the other side of the fire.

His father saw him looking. "That's, Théodred, King Théoden's son. He's your age."

Across the fire the boy stuck out his tongue. Boromir scowled and looked away.


Yáviérë 2986
Boromir had been allowed to select and carry his own gifts to give this year. As a result they were rather squashed, but still perfectly edible. He fingered his own gift from Théodred, a beautifully crafted belt, resentfully and went to bed early.


Tuilérë 2988
The stables of Edoras were not impressive by the standards of Minas Tirith, but their horses certainly were. Not that Boromir was going to admit it. This, or course, had nothing to do with the black eye that he sported over dinner, or Théodred's split lip. Their fathers were polite enough to ignore it; King Théoden even let Boromir lay the first faggot on the fire.


Yáviérë 2990
The dagger was a wonderful shining thing with a horses head on the pommel. Boromir could not help but love it, and for once he need not be ashamed of his own gift, as evidenced by Théodred look of shy pleasure.

They stayed awake till dawn watching each other


Tuilérë 2993
Faramir looked up at him with a frown. "Where have you been? You've missed half the night!" He wrinkled his nose. "You smell like the stables--have you been fighting with Théodred again?"

Across the fire Théodred winked at him.

rating: g, 2011, fandom: lotr, genre: slash, genre: gen

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