Looking back, did you write more fics than you thought you would this year, fewer than you thought, or about what you predicted?
I had wanted to write more, definitely. The big one is that I didn't get TVG finished, which was my main goal. Buuuuut Spirits kind of happened spontaneously and that is finished, so tit for tat in the end. I got several shorts finished or nearly finished, which was also not planned and thus a pleasant surprise :)
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January 2012?
Anything Buffy. It sailed into my life in February, set up shop and is now the major shareholder of my heart. As for genre, I never thought I'd ever write angst, but I did just before the year ended for
nekid_spike's Secret Santa exchange and it went... reasonably well.
What's your favourite story this year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you the happiest?
Angels & Demons, because I managed to put Lucifer into it. I ♥ Lucifer as a character.
Okay, NOW your most popular story.
Spirits in the Woods! Not mine alone, of course, but it is definitely the most popular story I've contributed to this year.
Story most under appreciated by the universe?
The first Buffy fic I ever posted, this little Spillara drabble that's nothing special and which received 0 comments. It's under appreciated because that ship is vastly underrated imo! Spike/Willow/Tara is a beautiful threesome and there needs to be more of it (which I am working on!).
Those fics where I think it's the pairing/setting that puts people off and where you could click if you want to make me happy:
I have nothing to list here other then the above mentioned Spillara drabble and it's really nothing special so linking it here feels like begging-for-comments and, no, that's not what I want. What I want is for you to check out this pairing when I post the next one, as it will be far better :)
Story that could have been better?
Stockholm Syndrome for sure. If I hadn't been under deadline pressure, recovering from the flu and forced to write on the laptop instead of my computer...
Sexiest story?
The ones that aren't quite finished yet ;) Mainly this little ficlet that I wrote as a pure porn-y spinoff to Spirits. I plan to change it so it stands alone and polish it up before posting. It's basically Spuffy bondage and it's been rather popular with those who have read the unfinished version :P Also, the unfinished Spillara ficlet.
Most fun story?
Spirits! Both to read and to write. I especially enjoyed the interaction between Spike and Willow, and the endless banter between Spike and Buffy.
Story with single sweetest moment?
Spike's sappy line in Heaven in a Tent. It's a little too mushy for my taste, but sometimes that's what you need to write!
Hardest story to write?
The Vampire's Gift, probably because I care so much about it.
Easiest story to write?
Angels & Demons was very spur of the moment, but I can't not say Spirits here, considering we churned it out in just ten days!
New Year Fic Resolutions?
Finish all the 80-90% completed ficlets I have sitting around. Finish TVG and then start one of the many different outlines I have for s5 The Gift fix-its. Work on the long WIPs I've started, specifically Alius Indutias. Write more short ficlets.
2012 efforts:
Spirits in the Woods (complete)
Spike, Buffy, Giles and Willow go on an adventure in the summer between season 3 and 4. Spike/Buffy, but it is canon compliant so set your expectations accordingly.
one |
two |
three |
four |
five |
six |
seven |
eight |
nine |
ten |
eleven |
twelve The Vampire's Gift (WIP)
Buffy and Willow are kidnapped at the end of season 1 and are taken far, far away to a mansion owned by the 'Master', a vampire named Spike. He has had a very different life from canon and now lives with a harem of women. Some are human, some are demon and some are vampires. Willow POV, but contains multiple Spike pairings. The focus will be on Spillow and Spuffy, which is happening at the same time, but kept completely separate (ie polyamory).
one |
two |
three |
four |
five |
six |
seven Simple Creatures (drabble)
The aforementioned first piece of Buffy fic I ever wrote, and also the first drabble I ever wrote. Spillara, that is Spike/Willow/Tara -
link - 100 words
Angels & Demons (drabble)
Spans season 5. A chance encounter in the woods alters the fight against Glory and gets a very different outcome! Spuffy -
link and in
fagends - 1k words
Heaven in a Tent (drabble)
For the Halloween trick or treat game on LJ, I wrote this schmoopy Post-Chosen ficlet for
catelynstark. It has since been slightly polished. Spuffy -
link - 745 words
Stockholm Syndrome (ficlet)
snogged in
nekid_spike's Secret Santa exchange. Dark and angsty Spillow -
link and in
nekid_spike - 4k words
That's it. Not as much as I would have liked. Oh well, here's to 2013 as the year of writing ALL the things!