
Apr 10, 2006 08:37

I bought two records yesterday. The newest new pornographers album - twin cinema and a single by Menomena. I saw them at sasquatch with JR last year. we both were drunk and way too hot to move so we planted ourselves down and to listen to a band we'd never heard of. they had all there instruments rolling, hardly any rocking but they blended it so ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

jrtrippin April 10 2006, 19:36:05 UTC
I'm a man of many tastes Brent, and I think the world would be a better place if more people would voice their love for the New Pornographers and Pig Destroyer in the same breath, but that's just zany ol' me....


3outta April 12 2006, 20:02:57 UTC
I just had the opportunity to write pig destroyer, and i don't get that opportunity very often. It's true though, I realize you listen to other types of music then just stuff to destroy pigs too.


__tinker_bell April 11 2006, 21:52:19 UTC
Twim Cinema is really good. Beau thinks that album is retarded. He's retarded.


3outta April 12 2006, 20:00:41 UTC
beau is retarded, I'm glad you think so.


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