Ask me my fannish Top Five [Whatevers]. Any top fives. Doesn't matter what, really! And I will answer them all in a new post right here, right now, in real time. Unless I go off and watch The X-Files.
Just please don't ask for anything involving episode titles.
Also, check out my new Mad Men mood theme. Is it awesome or is it awesome?
Right now I am drinking something called Venom ("Consume responsibly--limit three bottles per day. Not recommended for children, pregnant women or people sensitive to caffeine.") and listening to Fall Out Boy. Awesome.
Three Four Five days ago, I was lucky enough to catch Michael Chabon at Northwestern, where he delivered a brand spanking new lecture on Edgar Allan Poe (hahaha, Chabon: "It was either Poe or Robert Ludlum. In the end, I just pulled the trigger and picked Poe.") and made me miss my train.