
Sep 11, 2004 13:45

The world finally settled down for me ( Read more... )

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Comments 10

honkandwave September 11 2004, 13:55:46 UTC
your a smart boy ty.
i miss you.


3rd_engine September 11 2004, 14:38:39 UTC
I haven't seen you in too long :\ hang out soon?


honkandwave September 11 2004, 15:20:13 UTC
i always have time for tyler....
i miss after school t.v. watching and food eating.


aww_suki_suki September 11 2004, 14:20:19 UTC
i love you tyyyylerrrr! your performance will be memorable if it's a lead or even just a walk-on with no lines. you & holly brown as the parents, that is sooo awesome. can't wait to see it.


3rd_engine September 11 2004, 14:40:14 UTC
You better believe I'm going to take my one line and run with it. I'll make it worth your while.


kissmeasong September 11 2004, 14:21:57 UTC
Ty you are so sweet and I am glad you're playing my dad. Before this year is over, you'll get an awesome role and go out with a bang. You have already accomplished so much that even if you left now, you'd still be remembered for years.


3rd_engine September 11 2004, 14:41:46 UTC
That's the best compliment I've got in awhile. Thanks Meesh :D


comeasyouwere September 11 2004, 14:31:43 UTC
waytabewise, ty. you are a smart lad, 4 c3Rt@1n! ...hehe

and if i am not slaving away for the man i will totally come cheer for you!


3rd_engine September 11 2004, 14:43:16 UTC
H0p3 S0 d00d. MaYb33 Eye'll C U th3RE. ThAt wUd B Aw3$0m3.


i_am_for_you_ September 11 2004, 15:34:23 UTC
yay ty :) congratulations. i look forward to seeing rehearsals!


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