This is a sample application, and not where you post your real application. To post your real application,
go here.
Sample application for Ouran Characters:
+ Your Name//Nickname: Souppy, also referred to as soup, souppita, soupster, omgwtf
+ Mun Journal:
souppy+ AIM: Cains Ash (This is required. If you don't have one, you can download AIM
from this website. You don't need a character-specific AIM, but it also doesn't hurt to have one if you want one. The reason why this is necessary is because we will be holding community chats every Sunday.)
+ E-mail Address: (Use your most active e-mail address. If you choose to make a character specific one, please also include your regular e-mail as well. If you don't want your regular e-mail listed on the info, then we will list your character one and keep your normal one for records.)
+ Have you participated in RPs before? Yes, previously Yuki Sohma in
fruitsinabasket and previously Hades in
kh_roleplaying. Other such experience has been through several years of chatroom roleplaying, and current personal roleplaying among friends. (This could give you preferential treatement, if you were good at maintaining your character. Experience is always a good thing, but if you're new to it all, don't be scared. If you're a good writer, it gets equal consideration.)
+ Availability: Currently available during most hours on most occasions. (Along with the Sunday chatrooms, you have to be able enough to post frequently. Are you still in school? Do you have extracurricular activites that inhibit your posting access? Do you often vacation or travel outside the access of internet? Be honest in this, we'll do our best to accommodate you if you accommodate us.)
+ Which Character are you applying for? Tamaki, Hikaru, Haruhi (Include a second and third choice if your first choice is taken; if this is an Original Character, please make note.)
ORIGINAL CHARACTERS ONLY (If this is not part of your application, given you are picking from characters already in existance, then feel free to omit it from your entry.)
+ Full Name:
+ Family Members:
+ Family Business:
+ Country of Origin:
+ If they came from a different country, do they speak that language?
+ Appearance:
+ Background information:
+ Possible character journal name: frenchfriendtono, ignoranceishikky, prodigycrossdresser (Do NOT create it just yet. This is only to use if you are accepted. And don't look at these last two mentioned examples, I doubt they're short enough.)
+ Sample of writing: Shutting his crisp, deep powder blue eyes, he lowered his knowing hands to the polished white keys. In an instant, his fingers graced the length of the instrument, igniting a peaceful, sonorous tune from the piano. The music played, gently and smooth. Reverberating and echoing against the solid walls of the large room--broken by the high-pitched squealing chime from a small instrument in his pocket.
With a gleeful, wide-eyed and childlike smile, Tamaki bounced from the wooden chair, knocking it back with his legs as he reached into his pocket--or perhaps it was the sudden outburst of sunshine and daisies? He whipped out his cell phone, not giving the screen a moment's glance before he answered. "Haruhi!? Ah--...oh, Kyoya? Daijobu desu ka?"
(Give either an entry in 1st or 3rd person. This is a very important part of the app. Mods will be looking for how well you stay in character, if you have all your character's information down, propper grammar/spelling, flowing sentences, etc. This part of the application can make or break you, so consider it.)
+ Any additional questions/comments: I like big butts and I cannot lie. (Here, put whatever you think would be good for us to know if you haven't placed it up in your application already. Say something meaningful, something random, draw us a picture, whatever you prefer. Really, every little thing helps.)
If you have any questions, post them here.