The Otaku and the Snakes

Apr 19, 2011 21:31

Fandom: Metal Gear
Pairing: Liquid Snake/Solid Snake/Hal "Otacon" Emmerich
Theme Set: Two
Rating: PG-13
Warning[s]: Slash, twincest, threesome, crack pairing, partially ignoring canon, possible spoilers, and lack of continuity between sentences.

01. Mystic
Their world had always been somewhere between normal and sci-fi but Liquid taking over Ocelot's mind simply by having his arm attached to the older man made Snake and Otacon realize that it had just made a turn for the fantastic - in more ways than one.

02. Fairy
"What do you mean, 'fairy?!'" Raiden asks, causing Snake to shake his head and Otacon to laugh good-naturedly as the two blonds begin to argue.

03. Wish
"I wish you two knew how much you mean to me," Otacon murmurs as he snuggles between two symmetrical bodies, one pale and the other tan.

04. Dream
It was always Liquid's dream to be the dominant brother, though he really didn't have this in mind at the time.

05. Power
It the lust for power, to dominate his brother, that scientist, all others that would oppose him, that rules Liquid's actions.

06. Struggle
"Try struggling more, see where that gets you," his twin serpent hisses in his ear; knowing what's coming, he only hopes that his friend won't be listening while he loses all dignity.

07. Easy
Making fake blood out of ketchup, beating the inept guard, Snake would have almost said it was too easy, were it not for him catching sight of Liquid holding Otacon's chin in his hand and pressing him up against the wall, leaving him to wonder if he had sacrificed the scientist to save himself as his enemy forces a rough kiss on the otaku.

08. Enough
"That's enough, you two," Otacon says, breaking up yet another fight between the always-quarreling twins.

09. More
Watching the interactions between the scientist and his brother over a hidden camera, Liquid begins to feel his enduring loneliness grow just a little bit more.

10. Less
He is the lesser of the three men, genetically, intellectually, morally; that doesn't stop him from trying to woo the other two nonetheless.

11. Make
"Liquid, I trust you; like Snake said, you can make your own fate, and you'll definitely make a better one for yourself, for all of us."

12. Believe
"Snake, Hal, beLIEve when I say that I'm on your side."

13. Could
A lot of coulds, shoulds, woulds, run through his head as he looked at his enemies, most of them involving brutal murder; he politely tells them to shut up as kisses one and is kissed by the other.

14. Would
"Do you think things would have been better if we could have just come to an agreement with him?" Otacon asks, and Snake has to explain why there's no compromising with a man like him.

15. Breath/Breathe
His breath is warm, Otacon notes, clashing with the Alaskan air and his even more frigid exterior.

16. Snake
At least he doesn't have to worry about calling out the wrong name.

17. Poison
He's a poisonous man, always thinking and planning of ways to corrupt the naïve and the jaded alike.

18. Apple
It is not just humans that serpents can lead into temptation, Otacon finds; they can lead each other into it just as easily.

19. Snow
They met each other in the snow of Alaska's Shadow Moses Island, and it was in that snow that two watched the third succumb to FOXDIE.

20. White
With the white labcoat that Otacon insists on wearing, Snake figures it's only a matter of time before he sees it stained red, leaving him perpetually worried over the when and why.

21. New
With Liquid so assured in his sexuality and Snake uncaring about things like the gender of his partners makes it difficult for Otacon to admit that this is a completely new experience for him.

22. Old
They are drowning in time, he and his brother; he only hopes that Otacon will be able to move on without them.

23. Borrowed
"Excuse me, brother; I have to borrow your nerd for a bit."

24. Blue
The sad part is that if the Shadow Moses Incident never happened, he thinks that they could have gotten along well.

25. Veil
Liquid can't help questioning if the smiles, the laughs, and the love he shares with them are actually the real thing; they remind him that he wouldn't be wondering if they weren't.

26. Feeling
It's an ache, a longing to be right there next to that happy couple of Philanthropists that makes him keep coming back for more.

27. Misery
They say that misery loves company, so was it really any wonder that they all ended up at the bar that night?

28. Jealousy
He didn't know the exact reason at the time, but seeing his twin and Otacon tangled up together made anger flare through him, even if it was just that Otacon had tripped and the two of them had landed in an awkward position.

29. Remorse
It was a simple wish, and an impossible one, to ask them to forget the Liquid that they saw at Shadow Moses and to see the Liquid now.

30. Anger
Brother stole everything from him: his good genes, his right to kill father, his boyfriend; wasn't it natural that he would be angered by all of this?

31. Wanton
Snake insists that all of this came out of nowhere; Liquid points out that all of it had been brewing since, well, they met.

32. Desire
It's all so very wrong, and Snake knows it; he just can't help himself around him.

33. Dark
Liquid says he's the brother of dark; Otacon asks why that has to be a bad thing.

34. Light
Liquid says he's the brother of light, but Snake has no idea why, when he was the one to take action against injustices and he hid away from them for years.

35. Touch
His touch is gentle, always ready to take away the pains of their battered bodies after a mission or a fight.

36. Stolen
They say turnabout is fair play, so Liquid only thinks it fair to steal Hal away from Snake when Snake stole everything good from him.

37. Money
Sure, there may not be a lot of money to go around, but they all agree that their life in Philanthropy is a happy one.

38. Greed
He wanted power and revenge more than anything, they say somberly, and his greed for it was what cut his life short.

39. Lost
They were the terrible children, lost souls wandering in the direction they were told but never finding the future they were longing for.

40. Found
It took a man in a white labcoat with a cute smile to lead them in the true direction to their destination, and they trusted him with their lives by the end.

41. Fallen
Even in the depths of despair, he has never lost his moral code; that, at least, is what he tells his team as he lets the scientist, Emmerich, get away.

42. Star
The part of him that wants to be the star of the show can't stand it when his brother joins him on their little stage; if it weren't for Otacon, he says he wouldn't tolerate it.

43. Bright
He's smart when it comes to computers and engineering, but Snake's the first to admit that, when it comes to things like flirting, Otacon's not the brightest bulb in the box.

44. Shine
"Taken a shine to him, eh, Snake?" Liquid teases, leaving Snake's cheeks to flush slightly.

45. Sun
The sun rises over the Alaskan snow and glaciers, but it's a hallow victory; Wolf, Meryl, and poor, crazy Liquid could not be saved.

46. Moon
He never speaks of what happened after Ocelot - no, Liquid - stole RAY again, swam away from the Big Shell, and he dived right after them; he's too embarrassed to admit what Liquid did before they got to shore.

47. Rock
"Look at it this way: I can't live life in peace as a high-profile terrorist, and I doubt the Patriots would be all that willing to take me, given my lovely little revolution at Shadow Moses; face it, if you two weren't the best of my options, I would never consider it."

48. Galaxy
The world doesn't exactly bend itself to your will simply because you go around shirtless and wear an awesome pair of sunglasses, Liquid tells Otacon after watching an episode of one of his crazy animes; he tried that and look where it got him.

49. Milky
Just a moment ago, his eyes were full of a raging green fire; now they're as cold and dead as the rest of Shadow Moses.

50. Way
The way they work is simple; if the cute nerd is against something, expect a pair of nigh invincible supersoldiers to do something about it.

set #2

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