Things to Know About Paradise

Aug 28, 2011 14:23

This post is simply to let you know noteworthy things about the game, including what happens when your character first arrives in Paradise to reduce confusion. Arrival logs are available on request, just make a note in your OOC intro post please, but even if there is no log done these things will happen.


New arrivals appear in a random room in Paradise Hospital, and multiple arrivals may appear in the same room if the players are in agreement, in pretty much whatever state they were in just before arrival. A member of the hospital staff(random NPC), or another character will arrive to greet them and explain the gist of the situation to them...though hospital staff may request that sick or injured characters also stay to be treated.

The explanation covers the subjects of: where they are, the fact that whatever passes for a god in the arrival's world brought them for a game of which only gods know the rules, the use of Common, the 3STP, housing and work, the gate pass that doubles as a sort of debit card for the city currency, and provide clothing if necessary...a basic tour is also an option. (Note: Player characters aren't required to go over more then they would ICly.)

Advocate characters may already be aware that they were being placed in the game and the basic things if the player wishes, or they may be clueless like everyone else. The same goes for gods, though only gods may have in-depth knowledge of the game.

Housing and Work:

New arrivals can settle in any unoccupied home, apartment, what-have-you...or move in with another character. Until they decide what to do to support themselves and get settled in, the NPC shopkeepers will provide the basic supplies, food and clothing, free of charge. Player characters who own shops don't have to do the same. If a character shows no signs or has no intention of working to be able to pay, shopkeepers may start to deny them business.

Work and Payment

Characters are free to work wherever they please and start up their own businesses. Characters who run businesses, naturally, get payment based on how much business they do. They don't pay for goods they order, unless they're purchasing from another business.

Characters who work for business owners have their payment based on whatever wages were agreed on like a normal job.

Characters who work at the hospital, do work as greeters, or have simply jobs maintaining the community, receive payment from their presiding god accordingly.

The currency is called "Paces", and they are monitored entirely through the cash card/gate pass. There is a bank is the city, but no physical money at this time and all registers are already set to read the cards to either subtract funds for payment or add for wages.

The 3STP:
The main form of communication in Paradise is called the 3STP and is similar to a smartphone. Each individual one is personalized to suit the owner's style and is capable of recording audio and video as well as sending text. The device is slightly flawed though and may start recordings when not in use.

Direct contact or "locked" communication is possible provided the number of the other 3STP is known, and filters may be set up. How efective it is varies with the skill of the person and some filters or private messages may be hacked. Any open communication is viewable by the whole network, and the devices save conversations, though the inbox can be cleared to keep only wanted ones.

It is also equipped with a basic city map which each person can use to mark locations that are important to them, and is capable of sending its location to other 3STPs. This makes it convenient for the user to only keep track of what they need or to easily find people.

Death and Penalties

When your character dies, one of several things can happen. They can be dropped, as death is a good excuse to let a pup go. They can resurrect within a week or two for a price, which can be minor or major. Or a can be reset/have their canon point changed, for a fresh start. This is something that should be discussed with mods so we know what to expect...probably be good to let players you have good CR with know also.

Should a character get into the habit of killing people, player characters or NPCs, they may begin to suffer the penalties for dying as well...or pay a severe resurrection fee when they die

Things lost through death can be recovered if the character wishes, by going through a trial of sorts to get it. The trial may change per character or what was lost, but may not actually reflect what is being retrieved through it.
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