Characters: EVERYONE!
When: November 30th - Evening/Night
Where: In the biggest park of Paradise
Rating: TBA
Summary: All residents received an invitation to some mysterious festival taking place at the very end of November. Music, dance, food and drinks. Everything is accounted for and even the weather is surprisingly mild for this time of the
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Straightening up from the bullet hole in the wall, Sniper glanced around, his hand going to the rusty shiv at his belt. He didn't hear the sounds of fighting anymore, which means someone had won, and someone had lost. At least one of those people were still around, probably the winner. And if they had attacked the RED, there wasn't any reason they wouldn't attack him.
"Don't you run off now pup. Something ain't roight with this."
The RED Sniper looked terrible and honestly the god had never seen so many injuries on a living person...well a human anyway. He knew that help was needed here, but he nosed his new friend's cheek to let him know he was there for him.
The slightest smile graced him, his bared teeth tinted red from the blood that ran from his nose and crossed his lips. He hadn't had a lot of genuine happiness since his arrival, but seeing who he considered his only friend in the wretched place known as Paradise when he needed him most? It was a blessing he'd accept.
His voice was low- he swallowed the knot and the blood that had collected in his throat before speaking. The effort to do even that was visible. "Ringo. What... 're you doing 'ere?"
So he simply licked a cheek looking worried. Appearing where he was needed was just who he was, and his friends benefit this even more.
He approached closer, still on his guard, but he was having trouble tearing his eyes away from the other Sniper's injuries. Sure he saw and received his share of horrific injuries on the battlefield, but this wasn't a war. This was Paradise, and there wasn't a handy medi-gun or respawn to fix this. Sheathing his knife BLU stood over Red for a moment, snorting in disdain. "Who'd you shoot at this time?"
It took him a couple of breaths to find his voice again. While he wasn't keen on sharing any information with his BLU rival, his mind, muddled from pain, pushed him toward compliance. "Bloke in a mask attacked me. He-"
Another sharp breath caught him off guard. He turned his head away. It was just as well he couldn't finish his sentence, as admitting his weapons had been taken was a blow he wasn't willing to take yet.
He caught the look Chibi was giving him, of course the pup would be buddies with his rival. Just his luck. The BLU sighed and looked up and down the alleyway. As much as it galled him, he just couldn't find it in himself to leave the RED to bleed to death in an alleyway.
Keeping that scowl on his face Sniper knelt next to Chibi and RED, barely flinching as his injured knee hit the pavement. The Sleeper wasn't anywhere around and the loop on the RED's belt was empty. Sniper could put two and two together and assume whoever this masked man was, he had taken the man's weapons. "Now you know what it's like t' lose yer weapons." He clenched his jaw and hardened his stare. "I'm gonna help you up. Don't you dare try an' hit me or I swear I'll leave you here t' bleed
So he sat alert for anything nearby and just watched his friends.
Finally standing- on one leg and supported by his rival, but standing nonetheless- he forced himself to take several breaths, closing his eyes to shut out the spinning of the world around him. He made the mistake of putting too much pressure on his right foot, which nearly caused both legs collapsed beneath him. He steadied himself again, uttering a quiet profanity under his breath.
A moment passed as he collected himself; Chibi paced into his view of the ground, wearing his hat. He voice was barely audible as he muttered a word of thanks. At least that was one thing he hadn't lost.
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