[Once waking up, the young troll wasted no time in yelling and flailing angrily at the nurses, effectively scaring them out of his room with a stream of overly elaborate threats that involved bits of them they were not entirely sure they had. his eyes as grey as his skin as he glares at them as they leave
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You gonna turn into a butterfly at some point or somethin'?
Why the fuck would I become a fucking butterfly? That's a stupid fucking conclusion to jump to. I just get taller from here, stupid. We aren't that much fucking different from you useless humans. Except you're inferior, translucent and breakable.
And I ain't never met a human that was translucent.
I will admit though, at least you made an educated connection.
You moight actually be grouchier than RED. Maybe if Solly shows up he'll make you a medal.
Wow a medal from something called 'Solly' that isn't even in attendance. Shall I throw a shameglobe crushingly boring fucking parade now, or later? Because ultimately I'd rather just take my own scythe and cull myself than have some medal from something roughly humanoid just for being theoretically grumpier than some other easily damaged human,
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