Sexual Encounters and Sexuality:Are you Straight, Bi, or Gay?:Straight (Other than and including sex...)How many boys have you had experiences with?:2 How many girls have you had experiences with?:0 How many persons total?:2 Where was your best encounter?:On the floor Where was your worst encounter?:In a bed How old were you when you had your first experience?:14 Do you Masturbate?:Not anymore (If so) How often?:-- (If so) How old were you when you first started?:When I was a child, my mom says I'd rub up against things. :O Ever talked about it with a friend?:nope (If so) Ever done it with a friend?:No Do you watch/look at porn?:Sometimes (If so) How often?:-- (If so) What is your source?:kazaa What is your opinion on porn?:Whatever floats your boat Do you have any STDs?:No. I know that for a fact. :D (If so) From who/where?:- (For Girls)(For Girls) Ever been to the Gynecologist?:Kind of (If so) How old were you when you first went?:15 (If so) Why did you first go?:Sexually active, needed more birth controll (If so) Do you go regularly?:-- (If not) Why haven't you gone?:-- Do you use birth control?:Yes How old were you when you first got your period?:12 or 13 Tampons or Pads?:Both Have you ever had an abotion?:Nope Self Mutiation:(Cutting)Have you ever cut yourself?:Yes For what reason?:Parents Did you stop or are you still doing it?:Stopped Why or Why not?:It's pointless Have you sought any professional help?:No Have you told your parents?:Yes, they ignored it (Suicide)Have you ever had suicidal thoughts?:Yes Have you ever tried to commit suicide? How many times?:No By what method?:-- Have you ever prevented anyone else from committing suicide?:I might have Have you sought any professional help?:Yes Have you told your parents?:No Have you written any suicide notes and given them to the intended person?:No Have you ever been caught?:No (Burning)Have you ever burned yourself on purpose?:No Would you do it again?:-- Did you stop or are you still doing it?:-- Why or Why not?:-- (Eating Disorders)Have you been diagnosed with an eating disorder?:No Do you display characteristics if you are not diagnosed?:I dont think so. Have you ever not eaten for a day or longer?:No What is the longest you've gone without eating?:Probably like 12 hours Have you ever taken diet pills?:No Have you ever been addicted to diet pills?:No Are you still?:No Have you ever binged and purged?:No How old were you when you started to display charecteristics?:-- How old were you when you were diagnosed?:-- Have you sought professional help?:-- Have you told your parents?:-- Have you tried to stop?:-- Why or Why not?:-- (Drugs)Have you ever done any drugs?:Yes What drugs have you done?:Weed Have you ever regreted it?:No How old were you when you did your first drug?:14 Have you stopped or are you still doing them?:Do it once and a while Why or Why not?:It's a nice high. Have you sought professional help?:No Have you told your parents?:No Have you ever been caught?:No Have you ever lost a friend because of drugs?:No Are you clean now?:No How long have you been clean?:-- Thanks for taking the time to do this survey.It takes alot of bravery to answer these questions honestly.
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