Optional arena match post-plot: EIGHT BOSS FIGHTS IN A ROW!
I usually bitch to high heaven about the arena requirements for spoiler movies because it is just so repetitive. I don't mind the epic hard boss fights but having to go round after round with a whole bunch of mooks that I've been fighting the entire game is just boring. Really boring. It becomes a matter not of "how can I defeat your asses," but "how fast can I defeat your asses."
That said, eight boss fights in a row? That is fun stuff! Also there are two optional post-game bosses who are just... ffffffffffff. I am... Not at a low level, okay? After all the repetition of the arena, and finally beating it for spoilers, I am actually able to take on eight bosses in a row without too much drama. But these last two bosses? I lasted thirty seconds XD And you can't use heal magic! Because every time you do, they do! Don't get me wrong though, this isn't like attack of the mooks part 264. This is actually fun! It's fast and intense and I haven't figured out the strategy yet so it's going to take me a while. But! Lots of fun!
Also Aqua.
Aqua Aqua Aqua Aqua faj;sldifha;ligha;ligha;lgih!
AQUA IS THE HERO OF THE STORY, YOU GUYS! In the literary sense. I can't honestly say I like Terra >.> Riku succumbed to darkness and was a pawn of evil, but was still smart and capable in everything else. Terra is just kind of an idiot. And not in Ventus' or Roxas' or Sora's "I am a fifteen year old, let's have some fun LOL!" Kind of way. He's kind of dumb :|
I mean, just watching the contrast between how Terra and Riku interact with Maleficent... Terra, you a dumbass. Seriously. To the point where it is pushing my suspension of disbelief. I can see him getting hoodwinked by Xehanort because lets face it, Xehanort is one charismatic guy. I am a fan. But Hook? Come on! And the 'trap' Braig lures him into? It is basically on the same level as "HEY LOOK, YOUR SHOE'S UNTIED!"
Terra's and Aqua's fight? Much ado about nothing. What is this forced conflict? It was barely even foreshadowing for the final show-down. That was where the conflict was. I cannot wait until they meet again. There are issues there man. But the in-game conflict?
Aqua gets told to spy on Terra. She defends him, but does as she's told. Aqua is kind of a self-righteous bitch about it, choosing to defend her actions rather than apologize and say she was just following orders. Terra has a hissy fit. That's what it is, a hissy fit.
Meanwhile Ventus then spends the remainder of the game going "Mommy and Daddy are fighting! ;;"
I love Ven. I love that he - the game's "Sora," a male - functions as the plot coupon. I love that he is so very, very young and vulnerable and in-complete and naive and when he finally learns the truth, he has the spine to stand up and say "You know what? Dealing with it." In the most heart-breaking way afj;laihsl;ihg Okay.
Aqua's story progression is probably the least compelling; why is she travelling from world-to-world? Well she's following the boys. What does she actually do on a lot of those worlds? Noooooooot a lot. She fixes some of the boys' mistakes, but on a lot of them, not a lot happens for her. She has the most cutscenes but the least plot. How does she grow? Change? Learn? Well I guess she learns that friendship triumphs over duty and that authority should be compassionate, guiding those who follow, not obstinately driving toward your own goals... Or something. I'm honestly struggling. Her personal conflict is a lot less gratifying. She's emo-ing over hers and Terra's fight and I'm just like "IT WAS A MINOR TIFF! YOU WERE DOING WHAT YOU WERE TOLD! FIND HIM, TELL HIM THAT, MOVE ON!"
But no, in the end what happens? Terra agrees that she was right to watch him. And then rather than say she had faith in him but was following orders, she says his resolutions mean nothing and he's going to make the same mistakes again.
I kind of love her. I mean seriously. She tries to do the self-righteous hero gloat to Maleficent. Maleficent! She doesn't succeed because, come one, it's MALEFICENT! But I LOVE her for trying. Oh Aqua, you are so pious and over-confident and so unyielding in your faith, in what you believe. It's wonderful. She's not smug about it like Riku is, but in some ways she is just as over-confident as him. What she is doing is RIGHT damnit! It's her way or the highway. She would never say it like that, but ultimately actions speak louder than words.
And man does she bring home the bacon at the end. The final episode is hers. And I love it. Zack comes to back her up in a boss battle and she tells him to sit his ass down before he hurts himself. Just. fa;sldifha;lihg;lihg. FINALLY A GIRL WHO KICKS ASS. A girl who is actually a CHARACTER in her own right, and she HAS NO ARCHTYPE.
So here is some food for thought. Just. Idle speculation. And a tiny bit of rage. To forge the X-blade - ultimate blade of death and awesome - a heart of pure light and a heart of pure darkness of equal power must intersect.
There is a keyblade wielder with a heart of pure light biding her time on Destiny Islands right now. All the next big-bad needs is a heart of pure darkness, of equal power, and we've got a recipe for disaster.
Day Seven: Four turn offs.
- Bad breath. Ew.
- Sleepiness?
- Feeding. Like that scene in Lady in the Tramp where they're sharing spaghetti...? Okay the dogs might have something to do with that. Can you tell I am taking this very seriously?
- Dogs.