Years roleplaying: Uuuum... Probably about five years all up. I mean there was a big break between forum days and ljrp, and a series of smaller breaks on the capslock dressing -> Mallowmateys -> Luceti -> Failboat road-trip, but yeah, five years all told.
Least favorite character?: KIMBLEE! jfc, I loved playing the guy but he was an absolute pain in the ass to write. I've played psychopaths before but he was just so starkly contrasted to everything else I was writing at the time and it was just WAY TOO MUCH WORK getting into that mindset.
Favorite character?: Probably Toph. I don't know if I'm still any good or not, but Toph is like my chicken soup character. She's the one I can play when I just want to curl up under a blanket on a rainy day, and I'm still guaranteed an easy laugh. She's who I write easiest and aside from my early forum OCs, she's the longest running character I've kept up with.
Male or female characters?: Generally female. I can write guys. When I have written guys, I've enjoyed it. I just seem to gravitate toward them less for some reason. When I get the impulse "I want to play from that!" It's the female characters I tend to default to. That is how I ended up playing Kairi despite the fact that, at multiple points throughout the game, SHE ANNOYS THE SHIT OUT OF ME. And yet I love playing her. Don't even ask for an explanation for that.
Oldest character played: ...... Well technically I think it's Suzy Turquoise Blue. XD But if we're talking physical age, then probably Ozai or Isabel. I am not counting Deior. Deior doesn't count. Also he's not really "mine." I totally misunderstood this question. The first character I played was a Harry Potter fandom OC called Kaeira. She was a sue. It was awful. The character I've played longest is Toph.
Newest character?: Nepeta Leijon.
Which character of yours would be most likely to...
Jump off a bridge?: Nepeta, or Nieta if it was bungee jumping.
Get drunk and pass out?: IDK. Nieta might get drunk but not until she passed out. Toph would drink just to prove she could but if she passed out, it would only be because she's a lightweight. Ditto Suzy and Sabriel. Kairi, Ozai, Azula, Isabel, Aqua and Nick probably wouldn't get drunk. I don't think Kimblee drinks at all. Aoife can only really get drunk if she feeds off someone who's drunk... So let's go with Nepeta!
Kill somebody in a very unorthodox way?: Does lightning count as unorthodox? Otherwise Aoife.
Be far too hyper for their own good?: NEPETA
Get lost and refuse to ask for directions?: OZAI XD
Get lung cancer?: ... You know, I don't think I've ever played a smoker. Like ever. I guess Kimblee because asbestos?
Star in a horror movie?: ... You know I've played most of these people in one horror game or another, right? Therefore the answer is ALL OF THEM.
Star in a video game?: AQUA. OBVIOUSLY. Or Kairi (I wish.) And then there's Nepetaquest 2011.
Make the world a better place?: Well Sabriel did avert the zombie apocalypse... Twice.
Have a torrid gay love affair?: NICHOLAS ANGEL.
Relate each word to a character of yours:
Love: Kairi
Hate: Ozai
Money: Toph
Seduction: Aoife
Lies: Azula
Tragedy: Nieta
Manipulation: Azula
Violence: Kimblee
Politics: Isabel
Fire: ....... Ozai or Azula.
Ice: Jon Snow (even though technically I don't play him. His Game of Thrones actor just has a really adorable black mop, okay? Oh GRRM, why must your dislike of fanworks intimidate me so?)
Would you ever...
Play a prostitute?: I wouldn't decide whether or not to play a character based on whether they were a prostitute. I wouldn't play a character who was solely defined by being a prostitute, but neither would I pass up playing an interesting character just because they engaged in prostitution.
Play a pilot?: Same as above: interesting character? Don't care what their occupation is. Not an interesting character? Not interested.
Play a homosexual?: This is stupid.
Play a pedophile?: Um. Barf. Here is my squick line. And now you have crossed it.
Play a politician?: Blablabla same answer
Create a character for the sole purpose of smut?: Ahahaha I actually don't like playing smut all that much. So that's a no. PROTIP! CHARACTERS WHO ARE SOLELY DEFINED BY ONE ATTRIBUTE ARE BORING. I wouldn't play one even if that attribute were "badass."
Play a character who commits incest?: There is a character in a fandom I'm part of who makes 'cest seriously squicktastic. But aside from that, she is completely ruthless and thinks herself this badass political mastermind and manipulator when she really isn't. So playing her would be all kinds of entertaining. If I could be bothered playing her, then I wouldn't pass it up just cuz of the 'cest. Because it's not like I actually have to RP it.