fandoms 26-30

Mar 31, 2019 16:57

Fandom 26: Gemfire
Title: In the Coral Palace
Fandom: Gemfire
Rating: PG-13/Gen
Characters: Pastha
Words: 200
Summary: A strange warmth in the current awakens the Dragon of the Sea.
Tags: headcanon, worldbuilding, inspired by music - 'Woods of Elevated Coral Reefs' (Ys 8 OST)

Centuries had passed. To the ancient sea-dragon, the divine spirit of peace, there had not been long enough to sleep since the last time they had been needed in Ishmeria. Once again, they had been awoken by a sudden temperature variation in the water, probably not enough for a human to notice but uncomfortable to the sacred beast whose existence was tied to the currents - especially as they knew from experience what this heat meant.

Dragon's fire, stirring in the ether, agitating the very flow of magic within Ishmeria's leylines with its vast destructive force. There was no good reason to awaken the Dragon within the crown, not unless Ishmeria was in grave danger. The song of the gems was a discordant jangling as well. Something was very wrong with the entire Crown.

There was only one balancing force for such powerful magic that was now running amok, or deliberately being misused, or both - it was hard to tell. The Spirit of the Island ran deep within the ancient serpent's blood.

The Pastha's mind sent signals out to the land above, to search for a benevolent ruler still trusted by the Crown, if such a person still existed.

Fandom 27: GrimGrimoire
Title: After Lights Out
Fandom: GrimGrimoire
Rating: PG-13/Gen
Characters: Lujei
Words: 204
Summary: The night was her realm.
Tags: headcanon, worldbuilding, inspired by music - 'The Palace at Night' (Ys Healing)

The night was her realm. The students were in bed, except the ones who weren't, who had defied the school's rules in order to meet lovers for secret dalliances or for much more sinister purposes involving illicit deals, hidden blades, maybe a summoning ritual they weren't supposed to have learnt yet - in other words, her sort of people, the type who were more likely to listen to her.

By rights, she should have been banished to the realm where spirits went when they obeyed the rules of life and death, or were forced to. However, when space and time themselves were out of kilter and the resulting chaos spread through the entire world, certain anomalies slipped through the cracks. Gammel Dore tried his best to sort out the problems her existence here in the school caused but he had a lot of problems on his plate - more than he realised, she had found out by lurking in places she wasn't welcome. This whole academy was deliciously corrupt without her help but it was fun to stoke the fires and see where it led.

And when she found out what had actually happened to her, she could maybe use it to her advantage.

Fandom 28: Tokyo Xanadu
Title: When Everything Changed
Fandom: Tokyo Xanadu
Rating: PG-13/Slash
Characters: Kou/Shio
Words: 372
Summary: He'd been told not to get involved with shady people, but...
Tags: spoilers

"If you ever get involved with someone shady," Sora had always promised him, "I'll whup their ass."

He'd nodded, promising that he had no interest in anything that could jeopardize his future and anyway, he barely had time to get in all the study and part time work he wanted to do, never mind any such frivolities as getting into trouble.

Keep himself busy. Keep out of trouble. Keep from having to think too hard about anything, really. Keep from having to think about the pain. It'd worked so well. There'd been nothing to disrupt it. He hadn't let there be.

And now he had fallen in with a gang boss. Admittedly not in any criminal capacity, they were just helping each other out with something unrelated - okay, probably a little dodgy if they sat down to think about it but also kind of impossible to classify under Japanese law, what with it involving phenomena not widely believed to exist.

He'd talked Shio into coming back to school, hadn't he? That had to count for something, in the eyes of...

Who? Who was he even trying to please? Sora? Shiori? His never-there parents? Some deity he still had no proof existed, despite all the crazy shit that had happened? Who did he have anything to prove to, to justify his choices to?

Maybe this was one of the things that only mattered between himself and Shio. He couldn't stop thinking about Shio. The feelings it brought up were... outside his experience. Too vivid to drown in work and study and exhaustion. Maybe he'd woken up his capacity to feel things like that along with his Soul Weapon, or maybe this was... something new entirely.

Why could he feel like this about Shio and not about all the people he was 'supposed' to feel it about, though - maybe Sora or Shiori, although they were more like sisters to him, or maybe Rion or Asuka, although neither of the women felt very approachable.

Whereas Shio had agreed immediately to go out on that boat with him, where they had laughed and chilled out and... where he'd first felt like this.

He wasn't sure if there was anyone he could tell about this.

Fandom 29: Chrono Trigger
Title: Become the Wind
Fandom: Chrono Trigger
Rating: PG-13/Gen
Characters: Masa & Mune
Words: 211
Summary: Backstory for Masa, Mune and Doreen.
Tags: spoilers, worldbuilding, inspired by music - 'Theme of Wind' (Chrono Trigger OST)

He wanted to be the wind. His older sister liked dreams more. His brother didn't really care much about anything except doing his job. They were supposed to live inside a big sword and fill it with power. The sword was a special sword for use in emergencies, like, REAL emergencies, such as if the thing that followed them down from the stars ever woke up. They also had the job of working out who was the best person to use the sword, which had be a human, presumably because it was the wrong shape for any other type of hand but human. That meant they had to become experts at reading human hearts, even though they didn't really understand humans at all because they were so new to the world, lived such fast lives, moved so fast and changed everything so quickly. They'd been born along with the wind and the stone and the first dreams, the earliest days of the world, although they remembered travelling, in a place like a womb, with other, more sinister things that they'd had to hide from, until they'd reached here and the nice old man woke them up.

Now they were free. Free as the wind. Except with an important job to do.

Fandom 30: Ys 1
Title: Moonlit Balcony
Fandom: Ys 1
Rating: G/Gen
Characters: Adol
Words: 200
Summary: Adol reaches Rado's Annexe.
Tags: spoilers, inspired by music - 'Tension' (Ys 1 & 2 Chronicles OST)

When he next emerged onto the balcony of Darm Tower, now three floors up since last time, the sun had set. Eerie shapes like the wings of enormous bats flitted in and out of the twin silvery-blue pools of moonlight. Adol recalled the battle in the depths of the abandoned Cleria mine, the fiend that turned into a swarm of bats, with a shudder. He hoped the damn thing hadn't reformed, or worse, there were two of it.

He then remembered that Goban had given him a day until he would be presumed dead and the door sealed again. Was the day supposed to be until nightfall, when monster activity got too dangerous to ignore, or would he get until the same time tomorrow?

It didn't matter, he realised, because he had bigger things on his mind than his own safety. A Goddess was imprisoned in a floating annexe leading off from this floor of the tower. He heard the sounds of very large creatures inside, slithering and growling and feasting. There would be another vicious battle to get inside. He hoped Feena was okay in there. He hoped he stood any chance whatsoever against whoever could imprison a Goddess.

grimgrimoire, ys series, chrono trigger, gemfire, tokyo xanadu

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