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The Russian March 2012
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On the 4th of November 2012 Russian nationalists, traditionalists and conservatives marched through Moscow. It was the Russian March organized to mark the National Unity Day. These marches have been held since year 2005 in different Russian cities and towns. The Russian March has become a good political tradition, irrespective of the situation in Russia and in the world. Such march represents an open platform for all citizens and organizations that share nationalist views. Every column of demonstrators, every participant brings its own sense to this march. Whether it’s right or not - it’s another question, but for today it’s how matters stand.
Our column consisted of the activists and supporters of the Right-Wing Conservative Alliance. A black bloc format was chosen as the most popular youths’ format for such kind of events. Black bloc is a symbol of the worldwide protest movement.
This year, not long before the 4th of November, the place of the Russian March unexpectedly has been moved to the center of Moscow - Crimean embankment. The application for that place was submitted by Baburin’s party - ROS. Traditional place in Lyublino - on the outskirts of Moscow - was endorsed as well, but it was decided to reject it. In my opinion, it was a big mistake.
The Russian March in the residential area - that’s the place where it should be held. I recall previous marches in Lyublino - they evoked huge enthusiasm among the locals, whose interests should be represented by nationalists. That’s why I believe that we should reject the center of Moscow as a place for the March, because there the event is organized just for participants themselves and for better coverage on TV and not for the residents of Moscow and propaganda of nationalists’ ideas among them. Nationalist must come back to Lyublino - there a mosque construction is planned, there we should be the force representing the local people. Huge ideological diversity can be seen on the Russian March. Orthodox Christians, pagans, Soviet patriots, national patriots, radical autonomous nationalists, national socialists, national democrats. Not all of the mentioned above represent political groups and they have different goals and tasks.
I’ve been participating in the Russian March since 2005. But this year we have decided to come out as unaffiliated column in the black bloc format. Why unaffiliated? Since the time when it was permitted to register small parties, the Russian March began to split into party groups. Now there are plenty of flags and publicity for the organizations. However, it’s not clear whom are these organizations agitating. Is their PR campaign targeted at the media, but not the March participants? I’ve never seen the media writing about “huge amount of impressive flags of one or another party”.
On the Russian March we should abandon usage of flags. Any kind of flags, including Imperial ones. Only banners with political and ideological slogans must be shown. In our black bloc we didn’t have flags, but we had slogans and banners that read: “Anti-globalism! Anti-Islamism! Nationalism!”. Anti-globalism is our opposition to liberal globalization coming from the West, anti-Islamism is our opposition to Islamic globalization coming from the East and nationalism is our political ideology. The second banner was devoted to human rights activity - it was against 282 Article of the Russian Criminal Code that deals with extremism, list of extremists’ literature and political repressions. The third, “creative” banner read “The more enemies, the more honor”. Russians have always have geopolitical enemies what emphasizes power of the nation, its influence and importance. Weak nations don’t have numerous enemies and we are proud that we have a lot of them.
Evgeniy Valyaev, the Russian March participant (The Right-Wing Conservative Alliance)
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