
Feb 01, 2008 00:12

Whats the best home-made way to clean a bong.
i.e. home made solutions?
I've heard rubbing alcohol but I'm a little worried about smoking that.
Also rice with water & shake?

any tips would be helpful


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Comments 5

homzeek February 1 2008, 11:01:40 UTC
rubbing alcohol is alright) won't affect the smoking at all


master_splinter February 1 2008, 18:45:00 UTC
rubbing alcohol + rice if your bong is pretty straightforward (I have some bongs/a bubbler that have twists in them and it makes it very difficult to get all the rice out afterwards).
Just make sure you rinse it a few times afterwards with hot water, it'll get rid of the rubbing alcohol smell/taste.


rejectcarp February 1 2008, 20:47:50 UTC
3rded on the rubbing alcohol. Nothing else that isn't completely toxic dissolves resin so well. If you bring it to a boil in the microwave it works even better, but do use commons sense as the vapor is flammable.


spingirlspin February 1 2008, 22:40:57 UTC
Rubbing alcohol and rock salt.


stilseeingtrail February 2 2008, 00:01:33 UTC
that is what i use and it's the best way I've found.


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