Color: if you have known me at all over the past 23 years, you know that it's green
Subjects in school: math (numbers are fun), chemistry, and art. so why do I have a degree in geology you ask? and I say why not?
Animals: Bailey, Bingo, Muffy, Muffy, Sugar, Spice, Mady, Mystic, Patches. Those are the living ones.
H A V E | Y O U | E V E R
Given anyone a bath? do dogs count?
Bungee jumped? nope
Made yourself throw up? nope
Skinny dipped? nope
Ever been in love? been and am
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble? nope
Cried when someone died? depends on who, but mostly no
Lied: everyday
Fallen for your best friend? he became my best friend
Rejected someone? I suppose
Used someone? only for little things
Done something you regret? does a $120,000+ mistake count?
L A S T | P E R S O N
You hugged: Andy
You imed: 'Hartwick Rich' imed me
You yelled at: Allison
You kissed: Andy
A R E | Y O U
Understanding: have to be to deal with the crazies at the bakery
Open-minded: 97% of the time
Random: have you been witness to my segues? I mean really.
Hungry: just ate a salad, so no
Smart: book only
Moody: at times
Organized: you make me laugh
Healthy: I work at a bakery...
Shy: 83% of the time, which is better than 100% like I was
Difficult: only if you're all up in my grill
Attractive: Walter and Merv say so
Bored easily: not for long, I make up stories in my head to pass the time
Responsible: just not with kids
Obsessed: aDsorbed
Angry: if I have to be
Sad: only on Sundays
Happy: it's like one long sugar shot high
Hyper: ick
Trusting: probably too much, LI will probably take that outta me
W H O | D O | Y O U | W A N N A
Kill: Allison
Slap: I'd rather punch. Hey, I never said I wasn't violent.
Makes you laugh the most: Andy, David, Adrienne
Makes you smile: Hans, it's a requirement
Makes you blush: not in a long time
Makes you want to cry: I avoid those people
Cares for you the most: they can fight that out themselves
O F | Y O U R | F R I E N D S
Funniest: Andy
Prettiest: me! no, I'd say Amy
Best personality: it's a tie between everyone
Most like you: Andy or Adrienne
Smartest: J
Stupidest: let's not go there
Farthest away: Krystal
Closest: well, Andy is sitting next to me....
Trustable: all of 'em
Of times you've have had your heart broken: twice
Of hearts I have broken: I don't know, no one's ever told me that I broke their heart
Of guys I've kissed: there was that Madrigal (sp?) Dinner sr. year... so I don't know
Of CD's I own: 152ish
Of things that I regret: 40% of my 'Wick years to start...
Y O U R | T H O U G H T S
I know: that I do not know the lyrics to all these songs
I wish: that my income was bigger
I fear: the L.I.E.
I hear: Def Leppard - Eurphoria album
I wonder: what tomorrow brings... *hums song*