So this weekend has been super busy.
Friday night was really fucking awesome and the trip to and from Didcot was not as bad as it could've been (it didn't rain and none of the morons trying to run me down actually managed to) Also - Waddenson looks kind of amaze.
Saturday was ridic busy and not only because I woke up an hour late. I got back home at about half-past midday and got a letter from my insurance er...brokers? (the company that sorted out my insurance. Like GoCompare etc but for motorbikes) saying that they needed confirmation about my no claims status or my insurance was going to be canceled asap. Tore my room apart trying to find the renewal letter which I'm pretty sure I'd thrown out. Ended up ringing them and they apologised - I got the standard new customer thing because I'd done it online this year.
So then - to London! Met up with Kim and went round the Sherlock Holmes museum which was AWESOME in many Victoriana-based ways. Then to the Rocket for a pint of strawberry flavoured alcohol (cider for me, beer for Kim) and some food and to say hi to Irv. Turns out he's going to Brighton for a week and then coming back to have a huge blow out on Saturday. Looks like he's moving sooner than he thought :S
Anyway, we finished our om nom food and om nom drinks and went and squeed over North Gower Street (the door for 221b Baker Street in Sherlock!) and then got on separate trains to go home. Was fun times! We truly have a love/hate relationship :P
Anyway, got back to Luton and spent almost an hour trying to figure out public transport to get to Tasha's grans place. Did finally get on a bus and get to Marsh Farm for about 9:30. Then we went to Tescos for provisions (dropping in on Tasha's mum to ask if they wanted anything) got back to her grans and cooked stir fry and FINALLY put on a film for our film night at about 11:30 *facepalm* This is what happens when you get three of the most disorganised and indecisive people together! Was a pretty good night - we watched Brick, Jarhead, The Men Who Stare At Goats (well, I fell asleep about 15 mins into that but to be fair, it was five am!) and then in the morning we watched Moon, Mysterious Skin and then some TV including James and the Giant Peach. We're cool, yo!
Left Tasha and Jobi at about 5:30 and got the bus back to Dunny. Had limited interaction with Dad and uncle Bob. Went to bed after foolishly looking in the other rooms of the house and finding them mum-free and a significant amount of her stuff gone.
And yet again my skill of not being able to translate what I'm thinking/feeling into cohesive word structures and getting them written down triumphs.
Today has sucked. College gave me the runaround and it was just the last fucking straw on the mountain of straws. Spent most of today trying not to bawl my eyes out. I had to do a 40 mile round trip to basically do another person's job for her and fill out one fucking form. And because it was fucking torrential rain for all 40 of those miles, and because my bike kit is not up to that kind of rain, my phone has died. And I missed seeing my mum for the first time since last Thursday. And I have to drive in tomorrow as all my bike kit is waterlogged.
I just want to give up. I cannot do anything. And my angry has just turned to frustrated crying.
I do not want and I do not like this.