stolen from jurisimmortalis

May 15, 2011 18:54

You Are the Warrior

You feel that it's your role to defend and protect society.

You'll fight for what's right, and you especially like fighting for the underdog.

You love getting things done, especially if it means working with your hands.

You also have a great mind for strategy... whether it's military strategy, legal strategy, or chess.

You love being challenged, and you love challenging others. You are eager to prove how powerful you are.

You are ready for a (literal or figurative) fight at any time. Maybe a little too ready.

What Role Do You Play?

Blogthings: 100's of Fun, Free Quizzes and 3 Stupid Ones

You Are a Heart Cut Stone

Sometimes it seems like you are unemotional, but you try to have your emotions work for you instead of against you.

You're peaceful and tolerant - except when it comes to people who disagree with you.

For you, love is always unconventional and even a little freaky. The heart wants what it wants.

You tend to hold back in relationships, waiting for your partner to draw your deepest secrets out of you.

What Stone Cut Are You?

Blogthings: Discover the Parts of Your Personality that Have Been Hiding
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