How to make these:
This can be done using PS, and PSP.
I will show both.
Start off with a 100x100 black layer.
PS Tutorial:
Filter>Render>Lens Flare.
Brightness on 68%.
Try placing them close with each other, not to far apart, cause then your circle would be scattered.
Like so:
With your Elliptical Marquee Tool, select a circle that divides each flare in half.
Kind of like:
Right click, stroke on white, size 1, opactiy 80, and location is center.
Now make about three or four more circles over again located around the flares as your pin-points.
Like so:
Now, brightness/contrast.
Brightness: -20.
Contrast: +20.
Filter>Blur>Radial Blur.
Amount: 46.
Method: Spin.
Quality: Best.
Raise Contrast to 35.
Photoshop users can use the idea below for psp users as well. =]
And you're done.
PSP Tutorial.
Now I know this program doesn't have Lens Flare.
At least I think.
But anyway, pretty much...follow above, besides the part of the lens flare, instead you'll use the brush tool and airbrush it onto the black layer.
Brush size is 17 on soft.
And here's what happens with the radial blur:
Good thing about this is the variety of colors with your palette. =]
The End.
Remember to experiment. [I love how I say The End, when clearly it's not.]
With the one below I used, cyan, white, and yellow stroke lines:
With this one, I made the strokes scattered along the flares.
And with this one, I did all that was said, except, at the end I selected a section of the circle, and feathered it...then filled that area with black, and smudged the ends into the black.
I'm into this whole space thing, so the more surreal...the better.
Seriously--The End.