Not psp or others savvy. Just PS.
Working with high quality always works best.
I'll be using
this photo of Dominic Monaghan.
Crop your base.
Duplicate your base on screen 100%.
Sharpen that base twice.
Resize your image 100x100.
See how sexy it looks so far? Ahahahaha.
Make a new selective coloring layer.
Reds: +100, 0, 0, +44.
Yellows: +100, -100, -100, 0
Whites: -100, -100, -100, +100
Neutrals: 0, -15, -15, +25
New 'Unsharp Mask' layer.
36, 9.8, 10.
And you're done.
PS: You can also try raising the saturation some for even bolder colors.
Another made with this:
Show me your results. =]