Original Fic Prompts?

Apr 17, 2012 14:08

I'm open to any quick writing prompts, any genre, kinky/sexy or not, so long as they are original fic not fanfiction, because I'm not really into any fandoms at the moment... Yes, I am okay with a prompt for, say, an angsty guy with superpowers or something like that, so long as it is not a particular angsty guy with superpowers... (It still hurts ( Read more... )

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Comments 17

brighteyed_jill April 17 2012, 21:19:59 UTC
Brothers comforting each other in the aftermath of the actions of an emotionally (or otherwise) abusive parent.

Or! Something with prostitutes. That's it. My mind stops at prostitutes.

Also, hi!


47_trek_47 April 17 2012, 23:20:18 UTC
:D I've totally missed you. And this! And... and... omg, I'm going to go write. I was thinking about this prompt at work, which was very very bad for my concentration!


47_trek_47 April 18 2012, 02:20:03 UTC
Are you around at all? I'm on IM right now and I'm writing something for you that involves BOTH PARTS of the prompt. :D


brighteyed_jill April 18 2012, 03:01:23 UTC
I'll be home in 20 minutes or so!


helenkacan April 18 2012, 00:43:59 UTC
I believe the icons that remain enabled when you revert to an unpaid account are the first few (is it 6?) in order of uploading. If you really don't want to be stuck with those, then you may have to delete and reupload. I know, a real pain.


47_trek_47 April 18 2012, 02:21:25 UTC
I solved the problem by paying for my account. *G*


helenkacan April 18 2012, 12:16:18 UTC
Hee! The icons are what sucks us into a paid account. Because, otherwise ... meh.


jaune_chat April 18 2012, 01:31:29 UTC
On a long space voyage, they have to decide to stay faithful to the ones waiting for them at the end, or comfort each other during the cold and lonely now.

Who "they" are, I'm not sure. Guy and a girl? Guy and a guy? Girl and a girl? Three guys? A star dragon and a princess?

And hey howdy hey!


47_trek_47 April 18 2012, 02:20:53 UTC
I think most definitely a guy and a guy ;)


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