t h e_b a s i c s
name: Yayan
birthdate: 4-7-74 (not my true bday)
birthplace: China
current Location: MD
hair color: black
height: 5'6"
righty or Lefty: righty
zodiac Sign: cancer
d e s c r i p t i o n
my nationality: chinese
my weakness: phobias
my fears: height
my perfect pizza: don’t hav one
one thing i'd like to achieve: get into a good college and graduate mayb go for a degree and get a kickass job
the first feature i notice in the opposite sex: eyes
my best physical features : I dunno
what is your most overused phrase?: none
your first thoughts waking up: during school yr: shit o well get more sleep; during summer/holidays: arghh going back to sleep
t h i s_o r_t h a t
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
McDonald's or Burger King: both
Single or Group Dates: dc
Adidas or Nike: Nike
Chocolate or Vanilla: both
Cappucino or coffee: both
d o ' s_&_d i d ' s
do i smoke?: nope
do i curse?: sure
do i sing well?: sorta
do i think i've been in love?: no
do i want to go to college: yeah
did i like high school?: sure
do i want to get married?: mayb chances are 40%
do i type with fingers on the right keys: yeah
do i get motion sickness: mayb
do i think im attractive: mayb
do i think im a health freak: no
do i get along with parents: sure y not
do i like thunderstorms: np
in the past month
had sex: umm no that’s when im preparing for finals and HAS
made out: hell no
gone on a date: np yeah pretty sad
gone to the mall: no
eaten an entire box of oreos: no
eaten sushi: YUP love sushi
gone skating: nope although I adore that sport
made homemade cookies: no
been in love: no
gone skinny dipping: no
dyed your hair: no
stolen anything: no
h a v e_i_e v e r
have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?: no
been caught "doing something"?: I havnt done “something” before
been called a "tease": sure
shoplifted?: yeah a couple of beads I wanted soo bad back in 3rd grade
age you hope to be married?: I mayb not marrying
describe your dream wedding: Fiji Islands
how do you want to die?: I dunno
where do you want to go to college: Yale or Columbia
what do you want to be when you grow up?: business leader, doctor, plenty of choices
most like to visit?: Fiji Islands or Hawaii or Europe
n a m e_m y_f a v o r i t e
1. food - dc
2. dessert - dc
3. band - dc
4. song - dc I hav alot
5. candy - cream saver
6. junk Food - French fries
7. color - black and white
8. flower - Rose/ pearl lilies/ carnations
9. book - right now prolly Bet Me by Jennifer Cruise and fav. Series would be Stephanie Plum series
10. holiday - thnxgivings and xmas
11. season - all of it
12. number - 47
13. movie - right now Fifty First dates and Mr and Mrs. Smith, I m changeable u nvr kno
14. disney movie - Anastasia
15. radio station(s) - 104.1, 99.5, 106.5, 107.3
16. actor - Michael Vartan he rocks
17. actress - Lena Olin
18. sport to watch - figure skating
19. sport to play - figure skating or v-ball
20. drink - coffee?
21. alcoholic Drink - dc
22. vegetable : ummm…dunnno
23. fruit - cherry
24. pizza topping : pineapple and bacon
25. ice cream - umm French vanilla
26. cereal - umm dc
27. thing to do - browsing online listening to music
28. animal - elephants, giraffe, dolphin, walruses
29. day of the week - Monday I dunno
30. month - april
31. year - 1974 or 2047
32. store - dunno
33. clothing brand - dc
34. word(s) - that’s shitty
36. room in your house - computer room?
38. subject - dc
39. teacher - dc
40. scent - lavender
41. Music - anything will do as long it is pretty to me
42. sight - wth
43. perfume - don’t hav one
44. memory - idk
47. grandma - maternal
48. grandpa - maternal
49. relative - none
50. thing to wear to bed: I wear diff. things each day so yeah
51. board game : clue but I suck at it or poker, or this Chinese game
52. feeling - bored
53. cookies - ummm sugar cookies?
54. type of chocolate - milk