1. Chest hair makes for an ugly woman. 2. Appleseed 3. Grape... definately. :P 4. YODA of the DARKSIDE!! 5. Meeting you outside of Clinton.. in the rain... and talking about DBZ somehow. :) 6. A little kitty cat. Meow! 7. How did you actually get into Anime in the first place?? Or, why are you so obsessed with it?
1. Chrahahrgh! 2. Shaun of the Dead 3. Cherry 4. Scars are easier on the outside. 5. Ryan and Rob's room freshman year - drinking games! 6. Chipmunk. :P 7. Why Morgan?
1. Cookies 2. Princess Bride 3. Watermelon 4. You can't hide when I'm looking right at you. 5. To the best of my shoddy memory... in the boy's room - Hick brought you with. 6. Bunny rabbit. 7. Do you think you could be ok on your own?
1. Shovel!! 2. Grind 3. Green Apple 4. Don't worry, we'll win the shovel. 5. I'd seen you around campus, but my first real memory of you was at one of the midnight showings... I saw you pass me and go sit further up, and I think I yelled for you, just because I'd heard your name or something. I'm strange. 6. Squirrel 7. Don't you just wish I was straight?
1. Moving noisy hat! 2. Drunken Master 3. Root Beer 4. Too many drunken bodies make for some really bad things in friends' rooms. 5. Seeing you on Rose's lap, or vice verce in her room before I moved in. Thank God for that. 6. Beaver. I'm not sure why. 7. Don't you just wish you were straight?
to reply in succession, squeak squeak, Woah i totally *hic* know kung *hic* fu bring it on! aye, and I still wear the scar i'm really glad that stopped ...Beaver?...Okay, that's just too easy Don't you just wish I was a lesbian?
Comments 12
2. Appleseed
3. Grape... definately. :P
4. YODA of the DARKSIDE!!
5. Meeting you outside of Clinton.. in the rain... and talking about DBZ somehow. :)
6. A little kitty cat. Meow!
7. How did you actually get into Anime in the first place?? Or, why are you so obsessed with it?
2. Shaun of the Dead
3. Cherry
4. Scars are easier on the outside.
5. Ryan and Rob's room freshman year - drinking games!
6. Chipmunk. :P
7. Why Morgan?
2. Princess Bride
3. Watermelon
4. You can't hide when I'm looking right at you.
5. To the best of my shoddy memory... in the boy's room - Hick brought you with.
6. Bunny rabbit.
7. Do you think you could be ok on your own?
2. Grind
3. Green Apple
4. Don't worry, we'll win the shovel.
5. I'd seen you around campus, but my first real memory of you was at one of the midnight showings... I saw you pass me and go sit further up, and I think I yelled for you, just because I'd heard your name or something. I'm strange.
6. Squirrel
7. Don't you just wish I was straight?
2. Drunken Master
3. Root Beer
4. Too many drunken bodies make for some really bad things in friends' rooms.
5. Seeing you on Rose's lap, or vice verce in her room before I moved in. Thank God for that.
6. Beaver. I'm not sure why.
7. Don't you just wish you were straight?
squeak squeak,
Woah i totally *hic* know kung *hic* fu
bring it on!
aye, and I still wear the scar
i'm really glad that stopped
...Beaver?...Okay, that's just too easy
Don't you just wish I was a lesbian?
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