i know you have several doggies. gemini had her rabies shot yesturday. and well she is reacting to it. the vet said this is normal. but i'm a panicky mommy. she is very lathogic, chills, yelps when i touch her spot where they gave her the shot, refuses to eat her doggy food but i managed to convince her to eat yogurt with cooked rice and a veggie hot dog. but she isnt my gemini. is this normal. my baby....nothing can happen to her...and of course i dont believe the vet b/c well they arent with her...she keeps hiding underneath stuff to where i cant get her..but now she is laying on my lap.....
do your dogs react to the shot...the vet said if she isnt better by tomorrow this time to bring her back in....but i'm very scared..and just need reassurance i guess...