
May 27, 2005 18:15

<<°¤°Jack off Jill°¤°>> DaZzLeD<<*DaRe* says:
first i gotta find de songs
<<°¤°Jack off Jill°¤°>> DaZzLeD<<*DaRe* says:
den you get the money
<<°¤°Jack off Jill°¤°>> DaZzLeD<<*DaRe* says:
tyhen you get tha powa
<<°¤°Jack off Jill°¤°>> DaZzLeD<<*DaRe* says:
Jickle- Curbing His Enthusiasm says:
...have you ever even *seen* Scarface? lol
<<°¤ ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

jickle May 27 2005, 10:43:05 UTC
Scarface is a fine movie.


kneemail May 27 2005, 10:52:56 UTC
isn't that from the simpsons


jickle May 27 2005, 11:02:16 UTC
Yes, but it's originally from Scarface.


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