we need to have a girls night. because it seems we're right in the same spot right now... well for the most part. i hope things get better. call if you want to talk. id like to do some listening.
sorry I haven't responded back yet. I actually would LOVE to talk to ya!
I was gonna say we could meet up somewhere if you wanted... but last night when I was driving the rents' car it was acting up so i'm not sure how it's doing but I get off at 8 and tomorrow I don't work.. so let me know.
akldfha i wish i could do tomorrow but i have school work to finish once i get out of work. i could do wednesday before my 6 o clock class. i have to be out in tampa anyways if that would work? otherwise we'll have to wait till next week
Comments 5
because it seems we're right in the same spot right now... well for the most part.
i hope things get better. call if you want to talk. id like to do some listening.
I actually would LOVE to talk to ya!
I was gonna say we could meet up somewhere if you wanted... but last night when I was driving the rents' car it was acting up so i'm not sure how it's doing but I get off at 8 and tomorrow I don't work.. so let me know.
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