Name: Rebecca
Age: 18
AIM Screename ( if you have one ): vileoxidation
Who referred you here - username and house, if possible: I was just going through sorting communities, and loved the idea of this one.
1. Which of the Harry Potter books have you read? Which did you enjoy most? I have read all of them. My favorite would have to be the third, definitely. To me it was really the start of the maturation of the series, and introduced Sirius, who I do dearly love. I loved the discussion of the Patronus, and that whole concept, and I liked that the third book did not have a direct encounter with Voldemort but instead dealt with Dementors. Also, I love Lupin, and the third book introduced him. I think that even reading about his classes was very entertaining, and actually gave me a feel for what DADA should be taught like.
2. How do you feel about Voldemort as a character? (Not as a person.) He is, obviously, a very interesting character. His childhood and his upbringing is so real, especially to me, because I was without any real friends until I was about 14. As a child and young-adult, he seems to be spot-on to the personalities of many people in the world, and it is simply his ambition and his ability to carry through with what he starts that sets him apart. Many real people in this world have the same personality, the same upbringing, and the same ideals as him, but they are not nearly as dedicated to their cause. I truly do think that if one of these people had more ambition and ability to see things through, they could easily rise to become a “dark lord” of sorts in our world.
3. Which Harry Potter character can you most relate to? (In the sense of personality, intelligence, character traits, etc.) Remus Lupin. Especially in the sixth book, we saw that he toiled in silence for the betterment of a cause that he believed in the rightness of. Though I would not dare to say that I have done anything as horrible as joined a pack of werewolves for a cause I believe in, I also see other characteristics of myself in him. In school, he was never the antagonist or the ringleader, but he just kind of sat back and observed what his friends did and tried to keep out of everything. Also, in the scene from Snape’s memory, we see him pull out a book and begin reading, and I always bring a book with me everywhere and anywhere I go.
4. Who is your favorite Harry Potter character? Least favorite? Favorite would have to be Luna. She seems so real and yet at the same time so preposterous. I love that she is so firmly convicted that everything her father says is true that even if the entire world told her it was not she would not be swayed. I also love the fact that though she realizes that she doesn’t have many friends and that other people think she is ‘loony,’ she is unwilling to change herself for them. Also, her commentary for the Quidditch match, along with the budding relationship with Neville, sealed my love for her eternally.
Least favorite is Trelawny. I have a very, very low tolerance for bullshit, and everything (with the exception of the two predictions) that comes out of her mouth is complete and utter hogwash. The worst part, in my opinion, is that she must know that everything she says is just fictional, and yet she keeps spouting it out for the sake of appearances. I just dislike her so much, even though she did make the prediction, and she bugs the heck out of me. However, drunk Trelawny is absolutely hilarious.
5. What thing, event, or person has had the most impact in your life? (Please don't use yourself because you can't think of someone/something else. Think hard!) My father. He and I are very different, and since I was the second child, and my older brother got along with him perfectly, he did not handle our differences well. I often was unfairly yelled at for things that I had no control over, and this is not just a child saying that their punishment was not fair. This is after looking back ten years later and still realizing this, and after discussing this with my mom. These punishments for things that were not in the slightest my fault made me think that I was unworthy, or something of that sort. I now have a severe “daddy complex,” as my boyfriend loves to point out, and I desperately yearn for a father that would mentor me and nurture me.
6. What makes a friendship valuable to you? My friends must be intelligent, because I value friendships where I can learn more about myself through conversation. Additionally, I want friendships that do not require constant attention. I am a very solitary person, even when dealing with friends, and if a friendship needed constant attention I would not be able to handle that. Also, jealousy is something I cannot stand in my friends. Because I am intelligent, and have always done well in school, my friends have often been jealous of me. I think a friend needs to realize that everyone has different talents, and having a friend be jealous is very trying. Last, I cannot stand when people need to keep someone all to themselves. My junior year of high school, I had two best friends, and one of them got absolutely insane whenever I would hang out with the other. That was annoying, and I do not want to deal with that ever again.
7. If you had a hero (real or literary) who would it be? (Please keep in mind that we're asking IF you had one, and again please don't use yourself because you can't think of someone else. Be creative!) My mother. She has this amazing strength of character that I can only hope to have one day. She was raised in extremely adverse circumstances, including living in Ecuador for four years, during a time they were in a civil war. Though her childhood was not even near the best imaginable circumstances, she has triumphed beyond that. She has a bachelors degree, a masters degree, and a law degree, and has excellently raised two children. She never waivers from what she thinks is right, and is completely unaffected by what other people may think of her morals and values. My mother is an amazing companion of mine, and if I could mature to be like her, I would be immensely happy.
8. What are your personal aspirations for your future? I have two, very different, main ambitions. First, I want to be a doctor, probably a surgeon. I have always enjoyed helping people, and because I have the intelligence and the dedication that is necessary to go through medical school, it seems a shame to waste that intelligence when I could be using it to aid humanity. Also, at the very base of this aspiration is my pure academic interest in human anatomy, especially brain anatomy and chemistry. My second main aspiration is to be a mother, and raise my children well. My own mom was amazing, and in light of the turbulent relationship with my father I desperately needed a good relationship with her. She raised my brother and me extremely well, and I would love to do that same for my children.
9. What are your most prominent personality traits, good or bad? Which one do you feel best defines who you are as a person? For good traits, I suppose my strength is one. I do not really need anyone in my life, and though I highly value interpersonal relationships they are not necessary to my existence. Also, I would say that my ability to adapt is a strength. Though I do not always like change (but then, who always does?), I am able to go with the flow in almost any circumstances. I can change my frame of mind and my track of thinking very quickly given almost any situation.
For bad traits, I am clingy to those people I do let in. I am terribly afraid of being hurt and somewhere in my mind I seem to think that if I cling to people then they cannot hurt me. However, though most people are willing to put up with this to a certain extent and for a certain amount of time, everyone gets tired of it and then hurts me. It is a very self-defeating cycle, but I do not know how to stop it. I try to not be so clingy but it just does not work.
I think that my strength is the characteristic that defines me best, along with my intelligence.
10. What house combination do you feel you're most like? Least like? (This is not pushing. It shows whether or not you are self-aware and may not have an influence on the voting process.) I am certain that one of my two houses has to be Ravenclaw. I am intelligent (and modest, too!), but more than that I am also sharp, quick-witted, analytical, smug, enigmatic, and very reclusive, all of which seem to be Ravenclaw traits to me. For the second house, I would probably say Slytherin, but I am entirely uncertain. I am very, very ambitious, and will do almost anything in my power to achieve my ambitions. The only reason I doubt my Slytherin-ness is because I am unwilling to harm or hinder those I love to achieve my ambitions. Anyone else, however, is fine.
I don’t really see any Gryffindor in me. I am not extremely brave, or daring, or anything that is usually associated with Gryffindor. For this reason, I don’t think any of the Gryffindor combinations would suit me.
I have not mentioned Hufflepuff at all, but it is the other one that I can see mixing with Ravenclaw. I am very loyal to those I hold dear, and I am an extremely hard worker if it is something that I care about. I am quite torn between Slytherin and Hufflepuff for my second house.
11. Why should we not squib you? I do not feel as though I have given you any reason to… Do I need to say more than that?