Name: Bethy
Age: 22
AIM Screename ( if you have one ): bethanyjohns83
Who referred you here - username and house, if possible:
cyanidecoffee ; Slytherpuff. (As well as a number of Hufflepuffs from
1. Which of the Harry Potter books have you read? Which did you enjoy most?
I've read all of the Harry Potter books, all at least twice. To this day Goblet of Fire is still my favorite. I love it because it's the book that really shows them all coming of age. Their hormones are kicking in and they've suddenly got a whole new bag of worms (so to speak) to deal with. As if dealing with school work and Voldemort wasn't bad enough, now they have to think about dating. With this coming of age we really begin to understand them more as people. Another major reason this is my favorite book is that I've been a bit of a Cedric fangirl (yeah, I said it fangirl. Oh no, the horror!), ever since I read it. This is mostly due to the fact that I was so interested in reading about other people in the Harry Potter world, other then those already established and obsessed over. In the end however there's always one thing that I remember about reading each book, one emotion or event surrounding those days. The one thing that really stands out in my mind about reading Goblet of Fire, is that this was the first Harry Potter book to make me cry. The first book to really get to my heart and touch me in a way that few books have. This was the book that began my true emotional attachment to the series.
2. How do you feel about Voldemort as a character? (Not as a person.)
First I'll get this out of the way Voldemort =/= Hitler. Now on to my personal thoughts that you may or may not agree with. As a character I've honestly always seen Voldemort as a cookie-cutter 'bad-guy'. Granted he has his own back-story, I feel the only thing truly unique about it are the characters and locations. Argue if you must but I feel like the whole 'I was wronged as a youth and that scar is what haunts me and drives me to do evil today' thing is a bit overdone (granted there is more to it then that, I'm talking basics). I'd have liked to read something a bit more original, though I'm not sure why I feel I can expect that from a book written for young adults. I also find his pursuit of Harry Potter largely annoying. That must seem a bit paradoxical...considering that's the motive for the entire series, but what truly wise yet power-hungry and egotistic man would actually believe one child could destroy him? Then even if he did believe it why would he let the hunt for the child consume or interrupt his plans for 'world domination'. As I said, I find him to be a typical storybook bad-guy; predictable and at times slightly absurd if only to serve the main character's predetermined purpose. He also seems to be getting more and more predictable and typical in each new book, which to me only makes him that more exasperating. Perhaps I'm oversimplifying him, but that's just how I feel.
3. Which Harry Potter character can you most relate to? (In the sense of personality, intelligence, character traits, etc.)
I can't say that I relate to any one particular character. At times I like to think I do, more because I'd like to be more like that character then because I actually relate to them. I must say that I doubt many people actually can relate to any of the characters completely. It's more about the events and then the feelings expressed in response; these events being either the major events in a character's life or ones surrounding that particular character.
Looking at it that way I'd have to say I'd relate most to Hermione. Typical girl answer? Probably. She's a typical girl after all, going through all the normal changes we all must go through or have already been through. First I relate can to her feeling of displacement. I think she feels slightly out of place at times in the magical world, being Muggle born; and even out of place in her group of friends. I feel slightly out of place in most social situations and sometimes just life in general. Neither of us are totally sure of who we are. I can also relate to her compulsive need to study and get good grades. I think without Harry and Ron she would have gone to Hogwarts and never taken her head out of the books, would have gotten the best marks and graduated in time to wonder what it was all for...what she was supposed to do in life. That's where I find myself now. All I cared about in school was getting good marks, like Hermione. I also had friends like Harry and Ron though, who made my life interesting. Took me places and got me to do things that without them I never would have even considered doing.
4. Who is your favorite Harry Potter character? Least favorite?
It sounds crazy but I honestly don't have one particular favorite character. It seems to change from book to book, depending on who I relate to or just appreciate the most. At this point in time however my favorite character would have to be Cedric Diggory. As I've already stated Goblet of Fire is my favorite book, and I consider myself a Cedric Diggory fangirl. When preparing to see the movie I reread the book (twice) and just fell in love with Cedric. I adore the Hufflepuff house in general and feel it's severely lacking in the books, so having a Hufflepuff coming to the forefront of the action is a dream come true. He represents all the best qualities of his house and becomes a true hero; he's responsible for more that has happened in Harry's world then people think. His death for example made the Wizarding world begin to wake up from their naive slumber and realize maybe it was possible that Voldemort had returned. I also believe that it was his kind and fair nature that helped changed Harry's character for the better.
My least favorite character would have to be Percy Weasley. I know there are plenty of other more vile characters I could have chosen, but there are key aspects of his personality that represent many people I've come to despise. For example he is far too self-righteous for his own good; to me putting your personal career goals before family loyalty is inexcusable. I've met and clashed with so many egotistical, 'put their wants before all others' sort of people, Percy to me is the epitome of the 'type' and he angers and frustrates me to no end.
5. What thing, event, or person has had the most impact in your life? (Please don't use yourself because you can't think of someone/something else. Think hard!)
As much as I hate to say it, as much as it pains me I'd have to say my father. I really dislike him as a person, he's represents much of what I strive not to be. I may not be definite of what I do want, but I do know what I don't want and being like him is one of the biggest things. That's not the only way he's impacted my life obviously, he is my father. He's been a part of some of the best and worst times of my life. Unfortunately the major way the best times involved him were when he put a damper on them. Disney World, the most magical place on earth; only he could ruin that. Now that this question is beginning to read more like a self-pity rant I'll get to the point: he's made me the shy, quiet and reserved person I am today. It was the harsh way he'd say 'Beth, lighten up!' at least once a day, then the way he'd turn around and be a stubborn stick in the mud. It was the way he'd throw things around when he got mad, or the way he'd make me feel stupid when I actually said how I felt about something or expressed an opinion. So, one of my major characteristics I can give him the credit for. I learned from him that it was easier to just keep my mouth shut, rather then open it and risk any sort of negative attention; better no attention then negative, right? Thanks for teaching me that Dad.
6. What makes a friendship valuable to you?
A friendship, to me, is based on three primary things: loyalty, trust and respect. Each must be present for a true bond to form, and I'm not sure one could truly exist without the other. My friends are my support system, if I cannot trust in their loyalty and know I have their respect I don't see how I could get through life. It's those basic things that make friendship so worthwhile. Having someone you can talk to about anything, someone who will back you up and support makes life so much sweeter. I'm not sure how I can expound on that, it's straight to the point. I suppose more personally and specifically what makes a friendship valuable to me is the willingness of my friends to listen to me, share their feelings and be willing to help me at the drop of a hat, as I am willing to do in return. Speaking of a person and not just a friendship; a valuable friend is someone who calls you just to talk, who wants to hang out 'just because' and knows you almost better then you know yourself.
7. If you had a hero (real or literary) who would it be? (Please keep in mind that we're asking IF you had one, and again please don't use yourself because you can't think of someone else. Be creative!)
IF I had a hero I suppose it would be Diana, Princess of Wales. She reminds me of me, only at the same time she's everything I'm not and want to be. (Granted she is no longer with us, I'm speaking in past tense.) I see us both as fragile people, but she was able to do something I'm so jealous of. She was able to take a situation others could so easily see as negative and turn it into something positive, and not just for herself but for the greater good. I wish I had the ability to do that. I admire her resilience; she was a blooming flower owned by those who refused to water her. I tend to let the little things get to me, and while she may have done the same thing in the long run she was able to conquer her fears and insecurities even with such powerful people working against her.
8. What are your personal aspirations for your future?
That's a question that haunts me everyday. Not because I know what I want and don't know how to achieve it, but because I'm terrified that I really don't know. My true aspirations at this point in my life are very vague, sad but true. My short term goal is to figure out what it is in life that I'm meant to do, or at least do well and enjoy doing. My long-term goal and aspiration is naturally to achieve that short-term goal. I don't want to be some girl who got an associates degree then wound up washing dishes at some obscure Inn. So to answer the question more directly my personal aspirations for my future are to attain a bachelor's degree and find a career. Not a job with a weekly paycheck, but a career with a yearly salary. Once I've found these things I pray as I wander through life that I'll find my soul-mate, marry him and live...just live. Maybe that sounds slightly old fashioned but that's what I want, that's what would make me happy. Or at least that's what I think would make me happy, because at the moment I don't like my life...and these aspirations are everything I'm not. What would be the point of aspiring is I didn't aspire for something much more then I have now.
9. What are your most prominent personality traits, good or bad? Which one do you feel best defines who you are as a person?
Here are what I believe to be my top 5 personality traits, both good and bad. Some directly relate to each other, and others may seem completely out of place.
Reserved - It's quite obvious to anyone who meets me that I'm not the most outspoken person around. I'm quiet, shy and reserved. This trait has proven to be both good and bad, it all depends on the situation. I think it comes from caring about what other people think; like I said before I'd rather have no attention then negative attention. (See Caring & question 5) Overall however I think it's possibly more of a negative trait. It's held me back from doing many things that may have made my life more enjoyable now.
Loyal - I've been through enough in my life to know just how important loyalty is. I can't expect to get it if I don't intend to extend it. I see myself as being extremely loyal to certain people in my life, but it takes quite a bit to gain my loyalty. I'm also very loyal to my own personal beliefs and morals. I'm not someone who will change what I believe in just because someone I look up to may see things differently. I see this as a good trait, most definitely.
Stubborn - My fierce loyalty can at times come across as stubbornness. While I try my best to be open-minded I find it hard to remain so when others refuse to budge on an issue. That's usually when I find myself also refusing to budge. My pride can get the best of me. Usually when I have my mind set on something that I'm passionate about I cannot be moved. I say usually because I have been known to budge on occasion, so long as I benefit in some way. This could be seen as good or bad. Though it seems to rear it's ugly head at the worst possible times, so I'd say for the most part it's a negative trait for me. It's good though, when I stubbornly stand up for what is right.
Indecisive - I over think things and I care too much about what people think. These two things lead me to be incredibly indecisive and at times I'm sure it makes me seem slightly flighty. I find it hard sometimes to decide on even the most basic things like what to wear (sometimes I change three times before heading out in the morning) or what to order at a restaurant (or what house combo I feel I'm most or least like!). So when it comes to larger, life altering decisions I tend to freeze, freak out a little and then procrastinate. Which most likely explains why I have yet to go on to a four year college after I graduated from a community college. This is most definitely a negative trait.
Caring - I'd have to say this is my most prominent personality trait. I care, plain and simple. Sometimes I care just too damn much. I care about other people's feelings, though occasionally it may not be that obvious. I care about what people think of me, though I've learned not to let what others think control my life as it used to. I care about how my actions affect others, sometimes to the point of holding back if only to make others feel more comfortable. (See reserved.) I care whether or not people like me, which is yet another example of why I'm reserved. My caring nature definitely controls and affects various aspects of my life and personality. To me this is a good trait.
10. What house combination do you feel you're most like? Least like? (This is not pushing. It shows whether or not you are self-aware and may not have an influence on the voting process.)
Please don't make me choose. In all honesty I do not know, that's why I'm applying. I'd really like to know what you all think. If I had to choose I supposed I'd say I'm most like Ravenpuff (or Gryffinpuff? I'm not sure...something with a Puff in it) and least like Slytherdor. Then again, who knows? I certainly don't. I find it hard to step back and take a look at my own personality and characteristics and put myself into a certain group, or in this case two, which really makes it all the more difficult. Though being sorted into Hufflepuff in another sorting community I have it pretty beat into my head that I belong in that house, what other house I'm most like I'll let you decide.
11. Why should we not squib you?
I suppose I'll go with the usual answer: because I've put actual thought and time into answering the questions. It's not the end of the world if you do squib me, it's just that I'm very interested to see what two house combo you feel I'm best suited for.