AIM Screename ( if you have one ):SarBeth930
Who referred you here - username and house, if possible:
deppistsavvy's userinfo. FORMER GryffinPuff.
1. Which of the Harry Potter books have you read? Which did you enjoy most? So far, I've read books one two and three and half of four. And so far I'm enjoying Goblet of Fire the most. I finish books slowly and when it's books in a series like this I don't like to read them one after another. Especially if it's a good series like this one. I guess I kind of want to stretch the magic out as long as possible. So I only read a few chapters or less at a time. I like Goblet of Fire the most so far because it has been the hardest to put down, I just want to sit and read it until I'm done. Duh, I've seen the movie so I know what happens, but I love how different it is from the movie so far, and I can't wait to see what other ways it will differ.
2. How do you feel about Voldemort as a character? (Not as a person.)
Voldermort as a character, so far he seems a little absent. But that's also because his character hasn't been present much so far for me, so I can't really get an accurate feeling on him. I do however, enjoy how his is a character that stirs up so much emotion in people. I can't wait until I get to the ending of GoF, to be able to read the narrations about Harry's emotions is going to be extrememly interesting. So I guess I've enjoyed Voldermort's character. Anything that can bring out emotion is an asset in my book.
3. Which Harry Potter character can you most relate to? (In the sense of personality, intelligence, character traits, etc.) Harry, his manner of impulsiveness. When he gets an idea he runs with it, he doesn't like to wait for things to happen to him, he likes to meet them head on. Harry is impatient with people who tell him to slow down, when the adults tell him not to worry about something that they will be sure to take care of it Harry is left feeling uncomfortable. His take charge and impulsive attitiude and way of doing things is how I tend to do things as well. We don't really fear much of anything except for the really really bad elements. For him it's Voldermort and the Dementors. I also hate to be held back, having someone else prevent me from doing what I want or need to do is so frustrating and damaging. Consequences don't stop me from doing something, I just do it and deal with things as they come. I'm also sarcastic much like Harry is. It's our way of keeping light in a situation.
4. Who is your favorite Harry Potter character? Least favorite? I was nearly murdered for my "unintelligent" answer to this question at
sorting_elite. But I pray that ya'll won't be as offended or turned off. And keep in mind that this is coming from the mind of somebody who has only read books 1-3 and then half of 4. But Percy Weasley. Okay? Now I've said it and I'm going to lay my cards on the table as to why. He ANNOYS me. So uptight and worrisom. He bases a person's worth more on what they have achieved then what kind of person they are. It's almost like he does this without realizing it, kind of like he is so busy admiring people by their success he is unable to see their souls. I just want to sit him down sometimes and say "hey man, there's more to life." He seems to be just a wee bit snobby.
5. What thing, event, or person has had the most impact in your life? (Please don't use yourself because you can't think of someone/something else. Think hard!) This is easy, my dad. He is such an incredible man. As a little girl I looked up to my daddy, and as I've grown I've only strived to please him more. He is one of those people that you just want to impress in any possible way. He is a person of feeling, his values and standards are highly admirable. He is where I have gotten most of my beliefs from, my ideals. I didn't grow up with him, but the time I've spent with him has impacted my life so much. He talks to me, he doesn't talk at me like some parents do. He asks me questions about my life and my beliefs, and he trusts me. We have discussions about life in general. We're both pacifists, he was even a hardcore hippy back in his college days of 1969+. We value human life, and human rights. I love that I have a parent who is like he is.
6. What makes a friendship valuable to you? The ability to talk to the person. About anything everything without a fear of judgment once your back is turned. Whether its something as light hearted as my vowel movements or what was going on in my head when I resulted to self injury back in the day. This is what makes a friend, you can talk to them universally. Right behind this is the amount of laughter in a friendship. I value laughter in life so highly, and if you find someone who you can laugh with, and I mean truely laugh, then they're special.
7. If you had a hero (real or literary) who would it be? (Please keep in mind that we're asking IF you had one, and again please don't use yourself because you can't think of someone else. Be creative!) Peter Pan. This is crazy because I was sorting somebody at and they had mentioned Peter Pan in their application, so I mentioned it in my comment. So the reasons why? He wasn't too young to realize that adulthood is a lot less glitter than childhood. So instead of giving in to the inevitable, he did something about it. He ran off to this magical place where mermaid, pirates, and indians coexist. You can fly and sword fight with the best of them, everything is magical and your best friend is a fairy. A FAIRY. Peter is headstrong and stubborn, he lives life by doing what he wants to do. He doesn't let things stand in his way, he pushes through it all.
8. What are your personal aspirations for your future? This past summer I dealt with this fear, this fear of having an "average" life. And when I say average I don't mean it negatively at all. I just mean going directly into a job and marriage after college, and then settleing. I want to walk down roads that aren't graced on a regular basis. I'd really like to spend a few years getting my hands dirty. The Peace Corps right now are what I'm looking into for when I'm through with school. I want to be an educator and then take that to other places. For a while now my greatest ambition in life has been to go to a remote area of the world, and live with a small community of people as they live. A community that is stripped to the basics of life. They only have and ask for what they need. I'd like to do that for a year or more. So getting dirty and living, that's my aspiration.
9. What are your most prominent personality traits, good or bad? Which one do you feel best defines who you are as a person? I'll start off with idealistic. My mom likes to remind me of this a lot, I tend to only see the good, the dream. I often have trouble looking past that. I'm very open-minded to things. I'm an avid supporter of human rights and believe in the worth of a person and their right to live the life they want. I'm optimistic about life, which is kind of similar to idealistic, but I enjoy looking at a bad situation and then determining the good, however small, that could come of it. I'm also a HUGE procrastinator. This has never been a problem until 2 weeks ago, it kicked me in the ass hard when it came to scheduling for classes. I'm stubborn to a fault, not to mention proud. I don't like the idea of people telling me what to do, so if somebody tells me to do something, I usually resist just for the sake of resisting. To sort of prove to myself and others that I live my own life. I'm impatient and I want things done my way at my pace, otherwise I get aggravated. I'm also adventurous. I like to get out and explore things, the idea of taking part of something new and a little dangerous excites me to no end.
10. What house combination do you feel you're most like? Least like? (This is not pushing. It shows whether or not you are self-aware and may not have an influence on the voting process.) Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. I'm not really one for book smarts, but I value knowledge about life and world situations highly. Opinionated people in my opinion, are very intelligent, as long as those opinions are based on feelings and ideas that originated within them alone. I don't really get the impression that Ravenclaw is limited only one kind of intelligence so that's why I can see myself there. Gryffindor because I'm passion driven. I'm controlled by my emotions which is sometimes a big pain in the ass for me and other people. I'm impulsive and I love taking chances. My friends and family all tell me that I'm brave (which is the most widely known trait for Gryffindor) but really, I think I'm just stupid and irrational. But we don't have to tell them that.
11. Why should we not squib you? Oh this question got me in trouble at
sorting_elite as well so I'm going to write my answer more carefully. I don't join these communities just for the sorting purposes. While I do get a kick out sorting and analyzing people and having myself done so in turn, I also like being involved with things on livejournal. While diversity is great, sometimes you enjoy conversing with those that are like you. Its a nice little break. Also I AM active on livejournal. I sign on atleast once a day and I already contribute when I can at
hogwarts_rising. So if you don't like me or my beliefs, then don't squib me on the sole purpose that I will contribute quite a bit to this community.