Name: Ashley
Age: 14
AIM Screename ( if you have one ): oravannahka
Who referred you here - username and house, if possible:
cyanidecoffee of Slytherpuff
1. Which of the Harry Potter books have you read? Which did you enjoy most? I’ve read all six Harry Potter books, and I also own every single one. I adore Goblet of Fire. The whole book is so emotionally charged, from the explosive fireplace to the Dark Mark in the sky to Cedric’s sad demise. It has this “can’t put me down” quality that was even stronger than the other five. Additionally, I love that JKR brought in the other schools. It showed there was more magic outside of Hogwarts, and widened the picture. Viktor and Fleur were two well-developed characters that added even more racial-diversity to an already well-rounded cast. And let’s not forget that Goblet of Fire had three astounding tasks! Dragons and Sphinxes and Blast-ended Skrewts! My imagination was working overtime throughout the whole book, imagining all these fantastical creatures.
Finer points that I loved were the silly little things like the Quidditch World Cup and the Yule Ball. They contrasted the heavier, more serious things so well, keeping the mood light as the book headed to darker things. They seemed slightly silly in the light of all that was happening, but to Harry and Ron’s minds, it seemed like the scariest thing of all. JKR kept it very real and gave us something to identify with. Who doesn’t know the nervousness of trying to ask out somebody you like? And despite being “Boy Wonder,” Harry got turned down. The hero and protagonist doesn’t get everything he wants. Again, JKR understands that you don’t win the girl every time. Also, Harry’s character development makes leaps and bounds in this book. He isn’t quite as annoying and capslocky as in OotP, but he isn’t as naïve as in PoA.
I joined the fandom a few months before OotP came out, so GoF is where all my favorite fanfiction that I’ve both read and written is based on. When OotP came out, I felt like a lot of the ideas I had when GoF was the latest book were crushed.
2. How do you feel about Voldemort as a character? (Not as a person.)I think Voldemort’s character had so much potential, but then it was ruined. He was an incredible example as to what a flawed character was like. He related to Harry in so many ways, and then suddenly in HBP we got a “sorry! Just joking! Voldemort’s really nothing like Harry at all, we were just toying with Harry’s fragile mind for FUN!” message. And that irritated me. The connection that put Harry and Voldemort and perfect odds was lost. Because suddenly instead of this villain that Harry almost identified and was scared of, we have an inhuman blood-obsessed snake man who’s peon managed to outwit him. (In HBP with the locket)
3. Which Harry Potter character can you most relate to? (In the sense of personality, intelligence, character traits, etc.) I think there’s a good deal of Remus Lupin in me. I’ve always been someone in the “popular” group, but I’m never the leader like James or the leader’s best friend, Sirius. Like Remus, the person I would (if forced) call my best friend would probably not pick me but another of my friend’s as her best friend. He’s smart, but unlike Sirius and James, he actually does study. I’m quite mature for my age, a little shy, but not so shy that I don’t have a group of friends. I do stick up for people, but usually not when the event is happening. Generally, I’ll approach the person afterwards and apologize, but during I hang back unless it gets violent. I’m the one people will overlook unless I present myself.
Oh, and I love chocolate.
4. Who is your favorite Harry Potter character? Least favorite? I love Lily. Most people would choose Ginny or Hermione, but I find Lily to be the understated mixture of the two. She’s fiery and brilliant (even Slughorn saw that), but she isn’t in your face or bossy or too perfectionist. The books portray her as a bit soft-spoken and very mature. She acts as she says she will act, and isn’t a hypocrite. Most of all, she understands what it’s like to be persecuted. As a Muggle-born, she’s been attacked and ridiculed. I love that she never lets it stop her. She struggles past the handicap of birth and proves to the world she can. Unlike Hermione, however, her statement is quiet, the perfect example that actions prove more than words.
She’s highly independent; it’s hard to leave Muggle parents to go to a wizarding school. When forced to protect what she loves, she’ll spring to action, even sacrificing herself. But until that moment where she’s pushed over the edge, she’ll just be sharp and edgy and a bit snarky. She’s really, incredibly sweet and fair to everyone, but not to the extent that it’s sickening.
We don’t get nearly as much Lily as I would like, but when she does appear, it always packs a punch. Lily in the mirror, Lily in the penseive, Lily in conversations, and even Lily in pictures! Her actions shape the world around her. She did so much for just one person with such a short life. And I think she’d give her life for Harry again if she could. She’s selfless and stands up for Snape, for Harry, for Muggles, and for practically the whole damn world. People who genuinely care like that are few and far between.
In all honesty, my least favorite character is Ron, for a multitude of reasons (don’t hate me!). I’ll try to set them up neatly and not rant.
First of all, on a superficial level, Ron is stupid. He’s stupid in many aspects of the word. He’s reckless (he constantly encourages Harry towards foolishry even when they could get expelled or when it’s just plain obvious that he shouldn’t do something) and he’s frustratingly dense when it comes to schoolwork and girls. The latter isn’t as important, but when it comes to the first, he seems to forget that Harry’s life is in danger. This makes him a lousy friend in my books. Sneaking out once in a while is okay, but at the rate that he does? And then he’s shocked when he gets caught. He can’t even goof off with the flair of Fred and George!
Secondly, he is insanely prejudiced. Without reason, he’ll form instant opinions and will not be swayed. For example, his opinions on Snape. Nothing was for certain (and still isn’t) even after HBP. And yet, every book, Ron manages to complain, complain, complain about Snape. Continually, Ron sees “Gryffindor Good! Slytherin Evil!” when this is hardly the case. He sees people in black and white, and refuses to look beyond appearances. I believe in blacks and whites, but I also believe in dark grays and light grays.
Third, Ron drives me nuts because of all his whining. He’s always complaining about money or girls or Hermione or schoolwork or his brothers. His raging insecurity was cute for about two seconds. He’s always bickering with Hermione over issues that are usually his fault. And he’s constantly complaining about his family size. He does indeed come from a family with many children, but large families have never phased me. I know a family with 17 kids. 7 is small.
5. What thing, event, or person has had the most impact in your life? (Please don't use yourself because you can't think of someone/something else. Think hard!) The last time I went to visit my extended family on my mum’s side two years ago. I realized then how strangely dysfunctional a “normal” family can be. We try to save face, but inside we’re still twisted. My grandfather has dementia and my grandmother alzheimers, and I saw first hand what were once far off diseases. It scared me to death, because one of my worst fears is forgetting. It impacted my life incredibly because, for one thing, I was suddenly responsible for someone else. I live a comfortable upper middle class life, and I’ve never had to take care of anyone before.
I hadn’t seen my family in a few years, and seeing them again really hit home how much I’d grown and they had not. Various relatives’ growing vices that they didn’t bother to fight, lies that they told each other that only the quiet observer would notice, and words you say to make things ‘okay.’ Before I had blindly trusted them, but with the visit, I realized all that was wrong with them. I learned a lot about hypocrisy and what must be done to save pride and such. It may not have been my favorite visit and lesson, but it was definitely the most important.
6. What makes a friendship valuable to you? When I’m giving as much as I’m getting. A lot of times I tend to dump on my friends, and I don’t feel like it’s a real, solid friendship. I’d like to have a friendship where I can expect and get a certain amount and give the same. Too often I’m left worrying where the friendship is. I want to feel like we’re equals. I hate having too much more or less than my friends, because I can’t enjoy what I have as much. Additionally, I’d like to be intellectual equals. Having conversations with someone who is far more stupid than you is not very fun. I don’t want to feel superior or inferior. When I talk to this friend, I want to enjoy my time instead of spending it wondering what he/she is thinking of me. I find it difficult to relax, and a friend that lets me do that is worth keeping.
7. If you had a hero (real or literary) who would it be? (Please keep in mind that we're asking IF you had one, and again please don't use yourself because you can't think of someone else. Be creative!) I’ve always wanted to be like William Shakespeare. The man was brilliant! His writing is entertaining and he captures all the moods so well. Death, romance, joy, and regret are all within his writing. He was writing for a group of people of all social standings, and he managed that very well. His language is for the “common people,” but it holds so much wisdom and hidden knowledge. Studying his text will bring up new points every time! The writing is intriguing and thrilling, full of well-developed characters and twisted storylines. The funny parts are as wonderful as the serious ones, and everything gives you a new outlook on life. There’s a play or sonnet for my every mood, and I would love to be able to entertain the masses like that.
8. What are your personal aspirations for your future? In the short run? Get into a good college. In the long run? I’d like to write a novel and visit every continent. The closest I’ve ever come to writing a novel was 60,000 words, and 40,000 of those words were me trying to make a lover novella. I love writing, but I am a terrible procrastinator, insanely self-critical, and easily distracted. I’ve been to three continents, and I love traveling. There’s always that beautiful feeling like you can go anywhere and no one will know who you are. You’re never going to see them again (in all likelihood) so you can do whatever you please. It’s an exhilarating freedom. There’s the ability to be who you want or anything you want because it’s only for the short time. And, of course, it even strengthens your love for home.
9. What are your most prominent personality traits, good or bad? Which one do you feel best defines who you are as a person?
Charismatic - I’m not sure if this carries over to the internet, but in real life I definitely know how to deal with people. I’m a smooth talker, and can bring people around to my point of view 85% of the time. I’m good with people, and can mold my personality to suit the person. People tend to be drawn to me, and only a few actively hate me. Also, I’m a natural at finding successful people and charming them. I make excellent connections. I can usually see who’s interesting at a party and who is not. I can generally tell who of the new kids is going to be popular and who is not. (Is this a gift or a curse? I’m not sure) Due to the previous statements, I can position myself wonderfully socially. I’m always around the popular kids, never quite one of them.
Procrastinator - Like most teenagers my age, I put things off over and over again. I cram things into the half hour before they’re due. I do try and get things done, but for whatever reason it never happens. I do finish everything before the deadlines, but there have been several close times. In the last half hour I’ll study like mad. I tend to think I have it under control until suddenly I’m faced with five billion things to do by the next day.
Analytical - I am so insanely analytical. I analyze, analyze, analyze. I walk into a room, and I’m already seeing who’s who, what’s what, and why something is where. Usually my conclusions are correct as well. I’ve always been one of those people who will pretend not to care what people think of me, but I really do care. I wonder a lot what people think of me and how I’m doing comparatively. Somebody once told me to “flow with it” and I laughed in her face.
Cynical - I try so hard not to be cynical but people look so damn stupid to me 80% of the time. It’s frustrating, and I want to believe that there’s more to the human race than this, but most days I go to sleep realizing there isn’t. So, a cynic.
Hypocritical - The part above where I become frustrated with stupid people? A lot of times I’m the stupid person. Traits that drive me crazy in others are some of my main ones (procrastination, analyzing, cynicism). I’ll say one thing and do another, not on purpose, but because I don’t realize it.
10. What house combination do you feel you're most like? Least like? (This is not pushing. It shows whether or not you are self-aware and may not have an influence on the voting process.) I’ve always felt like a large lump of house. I think my main house if Hufflepuff, however (feel free to disagree, I’m never solid on these things). As for least like, I’d have to say Gryffindor. I associate a lot of passion with Gryffindor, and while I may have energy, I don’t have passion.
11. Why should we not squib you? 1. I have tried my best to answer these questions to my fullest ability with my best grammar and spelling. This wasn’t just something I decided to fill out over lunchbreak. I honestly studied the questions and tried to be honest (and not push for a house). I spent several days pouring over the form, constantly editing and changing my answers. I tried to be creative and not go with obvious answers. I worked especially hard at not stereotyping the houses and showing the judges my true ideas.
2. I am an active lj junkie. If I am sorted, I will not be inactive. I believe that joining communities is for participating; if you want to just watch a community just friend it. Also, as a lj addict, I do all things fandom. I read and write fic, make icons and banners, participate and lead discussions, and enjoy the occasional RPG.
3. I can handle responsibility and am generally mature. I hate netspeak, and always avoid using it. I know where to draw the line between funny and just plain trying too hard, and I never flame. While young, I am fully aware of how to behave without resulting to squealing about boys or celebs or my “gothy-depressing-go-read-my-bad-poetry” life.