Name: Sara
Age: 23
AIM Screename ( if you have one ): sweetwingsfan25
Who referred you here - username and house, if possible: deppistsavvy who is one of my fellow Gryffindors in another community has a link to it in her info. She's a GryffinPuff.
1. Which of the Harry Potter books have you read? Which did you enjoy most?
Oh, well, I've read all of them certainly, and I own them all, except for SS, which sadly was lost. I'd say it was stolen, but that'd be rather paranoid, wouldn't it?
I definitely enjoyed OotP the most, because of the character development aspects. It was so freaking long so it got to go into a lot of detail. I also love the development of the more minor characters, Ginny, Neville and Luna. We learned more about Sirius's background, and really, all of the characters were just fleshed out a bit. Character development is my absolute favorite thing in the world. Plot can suck, but if characters are there and characters are complete and well-developed? I'll absolutely adore it.
I also really liked OotP because it was a struggle, a struggle against an obnoxious character, but one that wasn't really life or death (I'm talking about the Umbridge plot, obviously). I like when characters have to face adversity, but I don't like it so much when it seems they have an insurmountable task ahead of them. I'm guessing this is because in life most of us face little hardships, but we don't often find ourselves in a real struggle. So the plot, in that respect, was more relatable to me. I can relate with having to deal with a horrible authority figure, but I can't relate with having to go around looking for split up bits of someone's soul.
2. How do you feel about Voldemort as a character? (Not as a person.)
Oh, well, he's a phenomenal character, but I didn't really think that until after HBP. The horcruxes (wow, so hard not to type h0rcruxes) really sealed the deal for me. It's easy to sort of trivialize it in your mind, but to think he split his soul... it's a very frightening and horrifying concept.
Before, HBP I thought of Voldemort as a "bad guy". He had some messed up plans, and a really screwed up take on the world, from what I thought was just bad upbringing. But in HBP when we learn more and more about it, and his past, and what really makes him a dark lord and not just a very talent "bad guy", well, he's more on par with Darth Vader then. You know, watching Anakin Skywalker turn into Darth Vader in Revenge of the Sith? I kind of feel like that's what HBP did for me. It really solidified Voldemort as a villain, instead of someone who just had a rough time.
3. Which Harry Potter character can you most relate to? (In the sense of personality, intelligence, character traits, etc.)
James Potter, definitely. We have several traits in common.
Arrogance: Like James I'm extremely self-confident, so self-confident in fact, that I come off as arrogant. This isn't really something that bothers me, but at the same time, arrogance isn't a trait that I aspire to. I think James was probably the same way. I think if you looked at him and said, "Hey, Potter, you're kind of an arrogant jerk off, alright?" He'd be like, "Yes, and what of it?" But if someone who he cared about, like Lily for example pointed out his arrogance, I think he'd actually be a little hurt and taken down a notch by it.
Tendency to show off: If I can do something cool I'm going to broadcast it to the whole world. It's almost like the arrogance trait, but a little different. James used to show off with the snitch. I show off by doing impressions and accents and making my friends laugh. I'm freaking FUNNY. I want the world to know it. In other words, James and I aren't the sort of people to sit in the back of the classroom and quietly earn the highest grade. We'll be the ones answering every question and being noticeably self-satisfied with our test scores.
Relationships and other traits: I'm fun loving, and I like to have a lot of friends. James was the same way. I'm also rather daring, in certain situations. I was the only person to jump over the muddy, disgusting, moat dug at Ren Fest... I mean, even the *boys* wouldn't do it. But more importantly I'm devoted to one person, just like James. I'm a happily married girl, with a kid on the way, and I wouldn't change that for the world. Like James I got lucky and found someone I could love and commit to, someone I wanted to start a family with. We're both the family type, despite our other quirks.
4. Who is your favorite Harry Potter character? Least favorite?
My favorite character is Harry Potter. I think he's relatable. All of his reactions make perfect sense to me. Even when I want to be mad at him, I can't. I also love heroic characters, even the type, like Harry who are reluctant heroes. I do think of Harry as a reluctant hero, even though some people would argue he's an attention-seeking one. I think Harry would've been much happier to just live a normal life, and I think he knows that. When he's jealous, I get it. When he's angry, it's understandable. When he just wants to quit, I think to myself, haven't we all been there? I'm not a sympathetic girl, quite the opposite, really, but Harry just seems to have found a place in my heart.
My least favorite character is Peter Pettigrew. I abhor him. His betrayal isn't even something I could fathom let alone understand. Betrayal of friends, that's a deep offense, the only worse offense would be betraying your family. It was a disgusting thing to do. I don't think fear excuses his actions.
5. What thing, event, or person has had the most impact in your life? (Please don't use yourself because you can't think of someone/something else. Think hard!)
I'd have to say my senior year of high school, though it's hard to think of one specific time, place or person who really affected me. It was more that whole year. I really learned to take responsibility for my own actions that year. I strove for academic perfection. I worked my tail off in a zillion extra-curricular activities. I learned the satisfaction that working hard can give. I let my mom and sister kind of fall off into the background, and I found who I was outside of my home-life. I learned how much people
could look up to me, and I gained almost all of my self-confidence that year. I took on leadership roles, and when I was challenged I rose to the occasion.
6. What makes a friendship valuable to you?
My important friends are people with whom I can discuss things frankly and honestly, and people who will listen to everything I say without expecting anything in return. I had a friend up until recently whose friendship I considered not only important, but vital. Until I realized that he was sapping my energy and bringing me down. He always expected help from me, but never offered any in return. Our relationship was one-sided. Even though I'd sworn to be his friend, to help him out and to love him whenever, I just reached the end of my rope. I told him I couldn't do it anymore. I explained my bitterness. I felt awful afterwards, really guilty for about a week. Then, suddenly, I just felt a huge amount of relief.
There's a difference between friendship, and the relationship that he was demanding. My true friends don't need anything from me. They're intelligent, self-sufficient people. I can be friends with "needy" individuals, the sort who need to be reassured constantly, but those relationships aren't valuable to me.
7. If you had a hero (real or literary) who would it be? (Please keep in mind that we're asking IF you had one, and again please don't use yourself because you can't think of someone else. Be creative!)
Starbuck from the new Battlestar Galactica. She's a "I'll do what I want, and what I have to do to save this sorry fleet, so shut up, plzkthnx" sort of girl. She's tough and strong, a fighter with an unapologetic attitude. And she's incredible at what she does! She's the best pilot, and the best shot. She's even learning to step up to the plate and take responsibility, learning how to lead. She fights for what she believes in, and even though this makes her difficult to deal with, they put up with her because she's just so frakking amazing at what she does.
She’s a hero, a sort of fantasy version of what I’d like myself to be. I’d like to have her qualities, but not her job. I hope that makes sense.
8. What are your personal aspirations for your future? I want to have a close, strong family that includes children adopted from foster care, and possibly foster kids. Because of situations in mine and my husband's pasts, we both feel really feel strongly about loving children, and protecting children. Because of what my husband went through growing up, he doesn't trust anyone to watch our kids except for me, and neither do I. I am going to be a stay-at-home mom.
I think children are beautiful and wonderful. I think there's nothing in the world as precious as a child. I want to help as many as I can by being a strong role model, and trying to watch over and protect as many kids as possible. I want to have a little day-care center, too, maybe where I could watch other people's children. I also want to be a Girl Scout troop leader. I’ve already got the minivan. It’s a mere matter of years before I become a hockey-mom (better than a soccer-mom!) with a boatload of kids in tow.
9. What are your most prominent personality traits, good or bad? Which one do you feel best defines who you are as a person?
Gosh, now that I'm pregnant I'd say my most prominent traits are "Moody" and "Exhausted". But no, I know that's not *me*. That's the horrormones. :P
• I don't take crap from anyone.
If a guy at a bar offers to buy me a drink, I will tell him in no uncertain terms to f- off. I buy my own drinks, thanks very much, I'm not going to end up owing him ANYTHING later. A few days ago my sister, my husband and I went to Big Boy and an old couple turned all around in their seats to just STARE at us. So I told them to turn around and explained to them how rude that was! I refuse to allow anyone to make me feel uncomfortable. If I go out with my friends I'm the "bouncer" getting the nasty old guys to back off. I get called a bitch for this attitude all the time. I am not offended by it, and I'm used to it. I actually like this quality about myself. I feel like I'm an assertive person. I'd rather think of myself that was then as a pushover. I also think this is the trait that best defines me as a person.
• I'm happy
That's just it, in general, I'm a happy camper. I feel like I'm extremely lucky and that my life is good.
• I'm obsessive
Oh, I hate this trait. I wish I could just *like* something... but no, I have to become freaking OBSESSSED with it. It's lame.
• I'm superstitious
Again, something I hate. It's a stupid, silly thing. I know there is no logical reason behind it
• I'm paranoid
Which makes me really bad at driving, something I wish I could enjoy. I also tend to get anxious for no reason. Usually I can control this, and I don't think it defines me, but I felt I should include some more things I don't like about myself, just so I can feel more well-rounded.
10. What house combination do you feel you're most like? Least like? (This is not pushing. It shows whether or not you are self-aware and may not have an influence on the voting process.)
I bet I'm a GryffinPuff. I think that I have the Hufflepuff qualities of being hard-working and loyal (although my loyalty is more to a select few, and to kids). I know I have a lot of Gryffindor qualities, especially the fact that I'm assertive, almost to the point of being aggressive.
I think I'm least like a Slytherclaw. I think Slytherclaws are intelligent, ambitious and SUBTLE. I have no subtlety, I woudn't know it if it bit me in the ass. I don't think I'm *stupid*, but I don't feel intelligence is a quality that I deserve to list as one of my own. Oh, and in the regular way of looking at it, I'm not in the least bit ambitious. All of my ambition pertains to my personal life, none at all to my professional life.
And there you have it. I’d love to be proved wrong on this. It’s the fun in being sorted.
11. Why should we not squib you? Here it is: I've been accused of pushing Gryffindor before. I am not. This is just how I am. I answered the questions with frank honesty, and I answered them completely. I hope that means that I'm the right material for this community.