Name: Tabetha
Age: Twenty three
AIM Screename ( if you have one ): Deadanimalsboats
Who referred you here - username and house, if possible: Just surfing around.
1. Which of the Harry Potter books have you read? Which did you enjoy most?
I have read all of them. All that are currently out. Though I know some people have read them a hundred times or are always reading them, able to memorize passages, discuss complict theories, etc. I have read them twice (book 6 once). I have so far have enjoyed the Chamber of Secrets the most. I found it be the funniest as of yet without trying too hard to be so. A lot of the humor was quite low key and sarcastic in fashion. Lockhart made the book what it is. Love him, hate him, adore him he’s like a train wreck and you can’t look away. The mixture of Dobby antics to “protect” Harry were priceless as well. It may not be as plot twisting as the all the books proceeding have been, I do believe JKR did an excellent job getting over the first book success hump.
2. How do you feel about Voldemort as a character? (Not as a person.)
I want to know more. Why is he so evil? Where did his temper come from? What were his dreams as a child; what happened exactly to Tom Riddle to become Voldemort? Perhaps it’s simply because of his father (if so he is extremely bitter) or something to revealed in the final book. I find Voldemort not a bad character, or a good a character but fittingly stated an ingretting character. I have no emotionally attachment towards him just curiosity.
3. Which Harry Potter character can you most relate to? (In the sense of personality, intelligence, character traits, etc.)
Zachariah Smith. He didn’t sit at the meeting at Hogsmeade not questioning things blindly as it seemed all the others were. Something didn’t seem right and he simply needed more information instead of being like “Okay whatever you say!” If something isn’t right to me I will question it or at least do research and find out as much as I can. On a side note I find it annoying when people state that they hate Zacharias because I don’t see how questioning something and following blindly is wrong.
4. Who is your favorite Harry Potter character? Least favorite?
Ah this is the exactly the reason I answered this from the bottom to the top to avoid this question. I hate favorite and least favorite character questions, so I try to avoid for long as possible. Now the moment is here so here I go.
I shall start with my least favorite character and that would be Sirius Black. He takes too many risks and puts others in danger. He seems to need to be in the spotlight and the hero no matter in what capacity in nearly every situation. He was selfish with Harry and his safety because he was more or less just lonely. A good God father won't hint to angst filled 15 year old that quitting school would the best choice. Sirius during his school years that behavior is uncalled for. I know school boys have spat, there is a line though and he always seemed to step over it. He needs or shall I say needed to mature a few years. I also dislike that he assumed and often thought he knew things without consideration of other opinions or thoughts of the story.
My favorite character would have to be Severus Snape. I love the mystery, his don’t f with me mind set; yet he is still human and not as tough I bet he wishes he were. I love the complex character that Rowlings created, with every chapter it seems a new puzzle is Severus’s personality is brought forth. He shows that is the line between good and bad is so faint that one can straddle that said line with near perfection. Serverus risks his life by spying and taking risks. I do think he is on the “good side” but even if he were on the “bad side” I would still consider him my favorite character, and perhaps a bit stronger because he was able to successfully pull the clothe over some many people’s eyes.
5. What thing, event, or person has had the most impact in your life? (Please don't use yourself because you can't think of someone/something else. Think hard!)
My birth. That should be the event to have the most impact on everybody’s lives. If it wasn’t for that than well simply you wouldn’t here. So I suppose I should say my parents had the biggest impact on my life because they created me, decided t keep me and not have an abortion, gave birth to me, and lastly raised me and cared for me. Nothing else would matter; no moments of celebration or days of defeat could even be mentioned if the first never occurred.
6. What makes a friendship valuable to you?
Don’t pity me. I ended a friendship after twelve years because she was nothing but a friend of pity; I rather be alone and lost in this world with no one than have one friend whom only is my friend because they feel sorry for me. Other than that I have to feel at ease with the person (that can be hard fir me) I don’t need a lot of things in common (though some would help). I value friends that enjoy me for I am, fully and completely. A good friend knows when to help and when to back away without a word being said.
7. If you had a hero (real or literary) who would it be? (Please keep in mind that we're asking IF you had one, and again please don't use yourself because you can't think of someone else. Be creative!)
People actually have listed themselves as their hero? Wow that screams egotistical if one were to ask me (but I see that no one did). I shall give two answers to this question.
Real life hero would be my father. He had a very tough life, including abuse physically and emotional. He grew up with nothing and the little he had his stepfather would take for his own. No one thought he would amount to anything and more or less would a trailer trash loser. He joined the air force right out of high school when he retired after more than twenty years of service. Married my mother, had two kids. He is a great father he never ht my brother or myself and actually has the patience of a saint if you ask me. He has bee going to college for years, a little bit at time bettering himself. My father to me shows that life can suck and hell life can be downright cruel but it’s not smart to throw in the towel. If he had where would I be?
Literary hero would be Christy from the novel and TV series Christy by Catherine Marshall. Christy left her very nice and cushy rich life at the age of 19 to teach school in the backwoods of Tennessee, in a region flooded with feuding, stubborn clans. They still lived as if it were the 1700’s and the early 1900’s. She faced many obstacles and was scared beyond belief; yet still kept on.
8. What are your personal aspirations for your future?
“What are we going to today?”
“What we do everyday, try to take over the world!”
Sorry that question brought forth a picture of Pinky and the Brain I couldn’t help but quote them. Is my aspiration to take over the world? ::::shakes head::: I don’t think so. Why would I want the world in the horrible state it is in anyways? I want to be happy, mentally, physically, emotionally just happy with little worries. Just the small crap that fits the saying “don’t sweat the small stuff.” I want to be a mother to two or three kids and raise a family. I didn’t go to college (nor do I plan on it) my job isn’t great nor do I even enjoy it; because the job I have always wanted is to be a mother. I do fear my husband won’t earn enough to allow for me to stay home.
9. Name 5 to 10 of your most prominent personality traits, good or bad. Explain each. Which one do you feel best defines who you are as a person?
1. Shyness. I am just that shy. I have a tough shell that I will not let you in it. I am uneasy around people especially those whom I do not and sometimes though who I do. I never know what to say; I fear saying the wrong thing so instead I finding saying nothing is the best. Often it is, but times have past which I should have said something was the wrong thing. But I don’t like to live life with one foot in the past because it is the past. I barely have any friends, I have a few people I talk it but nothing earth shattering or fantastic is discussed.
2. Mood swings. Like a flick of a light switch I change personalities and state of minds. I can be happy, laughing and have a great old time and than BAM I filled with angry and just angst and I am ready to spit fire. My husband often states my moods scare him because he never knows how I’ll react. I can be told something one day and react fine and a few days later be told the same thing and my reaction what the #%!! And nothing whatsoever has changed in those days in between. For those I am friendly with and feel at ease with (see above) the bad mood will be shown or rather heard verbally. The people I am not at ease with my bad mood are shown by staring, shooting off nasty looks, etc. It’s not just good to bad and bad to good mood swings I have; it is also pure wackiness and almost insane behavior. Laughing like a mad women, extremely hyper energy.
3. Jealous. I find myself wanting things that others have, I almost become internally bitter and annoyed when someone has a better house, a better job, a better anything that I want. It’s not fair so and so is three years younger than I and is an amazing writer. My writing sucks compared to them. I am jealous of an ability that likely isn’t better than my own, just different. Jealous behaviors also come when my husband and I have to struggle with the bills, barely staying afloat, and I see our friends and others we know around our age sliding right by with no trouble and able to have fun without worry.
4. Unfocused. I lose attention and the desire to things quickly and often. I get bored and move on; because I can’t focus my attention for long. I want to do everything and yet nothing at one moment. I can play around with adobe, fill out an application, listen to music, play a game of literati on yahoo games, play a few games on the baby name message board, and surf live journal all at the same time. Because I can’t focus my attention on just one task, for some reason my mind as a hard time with that. I often bug my husband while watching TV I will write or doodle. He claims if I am doing that I am not paying attention to the screen, 9 times out of 10 I am able to tell him exactly what happened in the last few minutes.
5. Lost in my head. I create worlds in my head. Actually it’s one world… my fictional family. I have siblings, parents (well one parent) they have personalities. I sometimes find myself wishing they were real. Especially my twin brother whom has the personality I wish was mine, he represents everything I want to be and do, but just can’t. Shows, books, etc I am currently into often become intertwined. It’s like fanfiction in my head. Often when I am alone, I am not alone because I am there, perfectly happy.
10. What house combination do you feel you're most like? Least like? (This is not pushing. It shows whether or not you are self-aware and may not have an influence on the voting process.)
I’ll begin with the least like and that is the house of Slytherdor. I feel as if I have only a fraction of Gryffindor running through my veins and I often swallow it down in the face of conflict. I run and void and don’t tackle matters or people head on. Also I am not adventurous has Gryffindor’s often seem to be. For them life is a giant roller coaster ride, while I rather stay flat on the ground. The house I paired with Gryffindor was very difficult because I do fit pretty well in all three, so stating one has a house that partially represents something I am not is hard. I went with Slytherin, mainly for the combination power with Gryffindor. The reasons I am anti-Slytherin in personality is I am not as forceful and by any means as they that house often seems to be. I like to think I am badass and don’t give a damn, but I only pull it off with a few people. I picture both Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter when Slytherdor is said; both their personalities are so closely related. And they are in two different houses.
For the house that I feel represents me the most is Slytherpuff. Yes I realize I just stated that I am not very Slytherin. However Slytherin is a very complicated house and though I may not match personality requirements for one portion doesn’t mean other parts don’t fit. Just look at Neville and the Gryffindor house, his personality only jives with part of the Gryffindor creed, and yet there he is. Anyways…. The reason I am Slytherin is because I don’t do a lot for others, I am not big into saving the world or fighting for things/causes/people. Often it doesn’t effect me directly I hardly see the point of caring. Slytherins like Hufflepuffs are loyal, loyal to death often. The difference between Hufflpuff loyalty and Slytherin loyalty is the second are loyal to only those they care about the trust must earned; it’s not tossed around. Another way I am a Slytherin is the air of mystery that they ooze off of them. You are left wondering what’s doing on in their heads? Now for Hufflepuff, good old Hufflepuff. I am caring I will never (okay not never) talk bad about someone or hurt someone on purpose. I am quite tolerant of ideals. I am quite relaxed and go with flow type of a gal. The combination of Slytherpuff just seems to fit me perfectly… the mix of my way and my way only and the patience tolerance really is who I am.
11. Why should we not squib you?
Would stating because I am looking forward to meeting new people and joining the fun a strong enough reason? I don’t think it is… so why shouldn’t I be squibbed? The only reason I can think of to support this is that I have broken no rules, I answered truthfully, and to the best abilities. I can’t promise I’ll be the best member and breaking records left and right. Some weeks I’ll end up doing the bare minimum while others I’ll be posting like mad.