It is very cold here, although the sun is shining veeeery brightly indeed... hmmmm... *is suspicious*
haha for a second there I was gonna be all "YERR, AND GLAMOUROUS ISN'T SPELT G-L-A-M-O-R-O-U-S EITHER" but then I went heeeeeey waitaminute... she's USAn *is stoopid*
Man, I've been spelling it 'glamourous' all these years so I googled it to make sure? It redirected to 'glamorous' so I figured it was just me being dumb.
But now you've just validated me, so I guess both spellings are acceptable. =D
How cold? Please to describe the cold. It hit 87 F today inside the house and my preferred temperature is about half that. :|
Comments 3
haha for a second there I was gonna be all "YERR, AND GLAMOUROUS ISN'T SPELT G-L-A-M-O-R-O-U-S EITHER" but then I went heeeeeey waitaminute... she's USAn *is stoopid*
But now you've just validated me, so I guess both spellings are acceptable. =D
How cold? Please to describe the cold. It hit 87 F today inside the house and my preferred temperature is about half that. :|
But I just got back from the snow today, so yesterday for me it was like -4 C, which is like 24.8 F... AND IT WAS SUNNY. WHUT.
Gum trees and snow make me go O_o
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