
Oct 13, 2005 14:38

So I thought I would post this. I'm sure it will get me in trouble. I don't really care at this moment. It's from my deadjournal. These are two entries.

Kelly <3 (zaogirl05) wrote,
@ 2005-07-07 20:54:00
Current mood: confused
Current music: Dashboard Confessional

Kiss me hard, this will be the last time that I let you.
I need to rant, badly. If rants, long entries, too much sexual detail or anything of the sort bothers not continue reading. It's worth it though. It's fucking gross and freaky as hell.

Background info --
One night this girl called Justin (a month or so ago) and was whining about something. He wouldn't tell me who it was, which made me a little upset. I was talking to him at the same time and she asked who was talking. He told her "no one". That made me a little mad and I was like like, "hey, if you can't tell her you have a girlfriend that is over here then I will."

I assume she either heard me or he told her that I am his girlfriend. I say this because one day we were in his room and she IMed him and said, "how is your girlfriend?"

Her sn is sunrise in rio...and I remembered it for some reason. So one day I was bored and noticed she was online and IMed her. I started off by saying she knew my boyfriend, Justin Milks and I just wanted to say hi. She then told me that no, she did not know Justin. I knew she was lying so I thought it was weird, obviously.

So I KNEW that she knew Justin. I mean...I had seen her talk to him before. I was curious why she would lie.

A good while later I IMed her:
zaogirlo5: hey, sorry if I pissed you off when I asked you if you knew Justin
zaogirlo5: I didn't mean to
sunrise in rio: it's fine.
sunrise in rio: Why are you apologizing?
sunrise in rio: Did you break up or something?
zaogirlo5: I live with him now and I saw you IM him one day and I just liked your sn
zaogirlo5: you said you didn't know him before, and I knew you I thought maybe you were angry
sunrise in rio: That's nice.

Then she got offline. Normally I totally would have let this go, but I felt like there was something more. She lied and got caught up in her own lie. I asked Justin if he had had sex or done anything sexual with anyone younger than me (me- 18, him - 22; whereas this girl is barely 16). He told me no. I asked about this girl and he said that he had never had sex with her or done anything sexual with her at all for that matter.

I didn't think about it for a day or so and then Justin and I come home one night and find this:

sunrise in rio: So like, are you guys in Arizona or what?
sunrise in rio: And has Justin's penis grown any?
sunrise in rio: Because from what I remember I couldn't feel SHIT and I was mad tight, too.
sunrise in rio: So unless you're like
sunrise in rio: 11
sunrise in rio: I don't see how sex with that kid could be enjoyable.

Needless to say I showed him this and asked him about it. He response was actually, "Fuck off." He said he was done talking about her. He said that he had not had sex with her and she was lying and has problems. I trusted him...

and then she IMed me again. I really wish I had the conversation. I have it saved on the laptop, which is Arizona. (I'm back in Indiana to visit for a week)

She said something about me living with a pedophile that fucked a 15 year old (she just turned 16 recently). I told her that I didn't believe her -- that I trusted Justin. Then she said..."he doesn't wear underwear, right?"

At that point I thought -- shit, he doesn't...she is right. But Justin is weird enough that he could have told her about his underwear aversion. (This gets graphic, so you may want to turn back now)

At that point she said, "And he has hair folicles on his penis...they look like tiny white bumps. They are not big, just noticeable when you are going down on him..."

At that point I knew she was telling the truth. I could not imagine him telling her about THAT. And I knew she would only know otherwise if she has screwed him or at least blown him.

So that night we are in bed getting ready to go to sleep and I bring up the hair thing. I asked him about it and if he ever tells anyone. He said no, that no one would know unless he had been with them. He hasn't told anyone about it.

Fuck, my heart is broken.

Justin keeps all of him aim logs on his computer. Through all of this I never once looked at them, because I trusted him. But this girl successfully destroyed that. So yeah, I looked at them. I hestitated like you wouldn't believe. I would not want him to look through my stuff and I tried to afford him that same respect. But this was an extraneous circumstance. I had to know the truth.

So I read them...all of them starting from the time we started seeing each other. It was not my idea. One of Justin's friends told me to. He told me I needed to know the truth.

Justin has had sex with her. I'm not sure when, but she talks about it at one point. They discuss how many people they have had sex with and she lists him. Also, the day after my birthday he asks her to come over. He fucking invited her over while we were together. She asked him what they would do and he says...cuddle. MY BOYFRIEND asked a girl to come over and cuddle the day after my birthday (May 19th).

From one perspective...I shouldn't have looked. But you know what, I needed to know this. My 22 year old boyfriend had sex with a 15 year old and is STILL lying to me about it. She may be nasty, but she's not lying. He is. Justin is lying to me.

I live with a guy that I love. What he did was gross. There is no excuse, she is nasty and too young. But what is ruining this relationship is not his past mistake, but his present lying.

And I feel like, I can't confront him. If I tell him about the conversations with this girl that I had, he will say she is lying. If I tell him about her knowing about the underwear and the penis, he will make up some other cover up. The only proof is the aim conversations. And I feel as if I cannot tell him about them. I invaded his privacy. I feel I had no other choice though. I also think compared to what he has done, there is no comparision.

I know then though that the whole issue will be flipped to make me in the wrong. He will say I had no right to look and blah...blah...blah... Yeah, I probably didn't. But wtf!!! What he did was worse!!

I needed to know the truth.

I found it, and I hate it.

Entry #2

Kelly <3 (zaogirl05) wrote,
@ 2005-07-31 16:05:00
Current mood: depressed
Current music: Dashboard: The Best Deceptions

Thanks, Justin.
I need advice....and I mean I NEED it badly. This is long, but I need help.

So today...I emailed myself some of the coversations off his computer. I picked these out randomly. I have the actual logs still, but here is a copy and paste of some of them. Now you tell me if this was your boyfriend or girlfriend...would you be pissed?

I also included the ones in which she mentions having had sex with him.


sunrise in rio (3.08.05 AM): im tired but i cant sleep
sunrise in rio (3.12.30 AM): im getting fat.
sunrise in rio (3.12.33 AM): was i fat when you did me?
sunrise in rio (3.12.36 AM): cause i weigh that much again.


sunrise in rio (1.48.38 AM): i miss you.
sunrise in rio (2.04.21 AM): ...
The IceyMan (2.04.26 AM): I miss you too
The IceyMan (2.04.30 AM): but you have ned

The IceyMan (3.32.11 AM): *sigh*
sunrise in rio (3.32.16 AM): ...
sunrise in rio (3.32.40 AM): you ok?
The IceyMan (3.32.48 AM): yeah
The IceyMan (3.32.50 AM): I'll be ok
The IceyMan (3.32.53 AM): I'm lonely out of my mind
sunrise in rio (3.32.58 AM): me, too.
sunrise in rio (3.33.01 AM): and my tongue's all weird.
sunrise in rio (3.33.05 AM): and i don't know what to do with my livejournal.
The IceyMan (3.33.24 AM): delete it.
sunrise in rio (3.33.34 AM): no
sunrise in rio (3.34.07 AM): wanna hang out sometime?
The IceyMan (3.34.32 AM): you're not allowed
sunrise in rio (3.35.10 AM): uhmm
sunrise in rio (3.35.10 AM): i may be?
The IceyMan (3.35.24 AM): and besides
The IceyMan (3.35.27 AM): ned might get angry
sunrise in rio (3.36.03 AM): i dont think ned cares.
sunrise in rio (3.36.03 AM): i mean
sunrise in rio (3.36.15 AM): i cant fuck around or anything
sunrise in rio (3.36.15 AM): but i can hang
The IceyMan (3.37.08 AM): ah, it's ok.


The IceyMan (12.12.46 PM): I could drive over there now and see you.
sunrise in rio (12.12.50 PM): ... no ones home?
sunrise in rio (12.12.53 PM): and the bathrooms dirty
sunrise in rio (12.12.59 PM): and you dont like driving out here
sunrise in rio (12.13.04 PM): and you dont like me
sunrise in rio (12.13.04 PM): :-(
The IceyMan (12.13.06 PM): right, I'm just saying that we could see each other anytime
sunrise in rio (12.13.17 PM): meh
sunrise in rio (12.13.17 PM): <3
The IceyMan (12.13.38 PM): the reason I don't come out is because i would want you
The IceyMan (12.13.40 PM): and that's no good.
The IceyMan (12.13.40 PM): so.
The IceyMan (12.13.49 PM): it's easier for me just to keep away
sunrise in rio (12.14.07 PM): ....
sunrise in rio (12.14.14 PM): you dont want me
sunrise in rio (12.14.16 PM): or you'd come out
The IceyMan (12.14.40 PM): I do want you.
The IceyMan (12.14.44 PM): but in a way I shoudln't..
sunrise in rio (12.15.48 PM): :-(


The IceyMan (12.13.20 AM): do you want to help me bake cookies
sunrise in rio (12.14.14 AM): hmm?
sunrise in rio (12.14.20 AM): seriously?
The IceyMan (12.14.49 AM): yeah.. sure..

sunrise in rio (12.31.38 AM): do you wanna hang out sometime
The IceyMan (12.31.55 AM): yeah, if you're allowed
sunrise in rio (12.32.00 AM): ok
sunrise in rio (12.32.02 AM): ill ask
sunrise in rio (12.34.15 AM): what would we do
The IceyMan (12.35.59 AM): make cookies
sunrise in rio (12.36.21 AM): hehe

sunrise in rio signed off at 12.44.33 AM.
Session concluded at 12.47.23 AM
sunrise in rio (12.51.29 AM): so did you figure them out
The IceyMan (12.51.47 AM): what, the cookies?
sunrise in rio (12.52.53 AM): yea
The IceyMan (12.56.07 AM): not yet
sunrise in rio (12.56.07 AM): i need a fucking hug
The IceyMan (12.56.11 AM): I won't make them for another day or two
sunrise in rio (12.57.11 AM): Ahhh
The IceyMan (12.59.18 AM): I'd hug you
The IceyMan (12.59.21 AM): maybe even cuddle
sunrise in rio (12.59.31 AM): i dont know how to cuddle
The IceyMan (1.00.05 AM): i'll show you
sunrise in rio (1.01.29 AM): heh
The IceyMan (1.04.13 AM): or not.
The IceyMan (1.04.17 AM): I'll hug you at least.
The IceyMan (1.04.20 AM): you give quality hugs
sunrise in rio (1.04.26 AM): I do?
The IceyMan (1.04.40 AM): yeah

05-19-2005 (My Birthday...)

sunrise in rio (1.25.25 AM): im scare.
sunrise in rio (1.25.29 AM): d.
The IceyMan (1.26.33 AM): of what?
sunrise in rio (1.26.47 AM): being alone
The IceyMan (1.27.51 AM): you'll be fine
The IceyMan (1.27.54 AM): you only like 16 or whatever
The IceyMan (1.27.59 AM): you have like.. at least... 20 more years.
The IceyMan (1.28.03 AM): I'm 22.. and I'm still alone.
The IceyMan (1.28.06 AM): that's 6 years older than you


The IceyMan (5.47.44 PM): you want to come over?
sunrise in rio (5.47.51 PM): ... Uhhm.
sunrise in rio (5.47.53 PM): I don't know if I can.
The IceyMan (5.48.02 PM): oh,
The IceyMan (5.48.03 PM): well nevermind
Session concluded at 5.48.03 PM
sunrise in rio (5.48.04 PM): Do you wanna' come over here?
sunrise in rio (5.50.24 PM): ??
The IceyMan (5.52.12 PM): nah
sunrise in rio (5.52.16 PM): fine
The IceyMan (5.52.16 PM): your family doesn't like me
Session concluded at 6.05.01 PM
sunrise in rio (6.21.27 PM): No they don't.
The IceyMan (6.45.26 PM): I don't think they like me
sunrise in rio (6.45.42 PM): they do
The IceyMan (6.46.02 PM): they're mad at me for wanting you
sunrise in rio (6.46.19 PM): ugh
The IceyMan (6.49.53 PM): =)
The IceyMan (6.49.55 PM): smile


sunrise in rio (7.42.10 PM): Hey.
sunrise in rio (7.42.34 PM): do you wanna get together with me and ned this weekend
The IceyMan (7.42.42 PM): uh
The IceyMan (7.42.43 PM): why?
sunrise in rio (7.42.48 PM): For sexual reasons.
The IceyMan (7.43.07 PM): I dunno.
The IceyMan (7.43.09 PM): that's a little weird.
sunrise in rio (7.43.15 PM): not really
sunrise in rio (7.43.19 PM): people do it all the time
sunrise in rio (7.43.23 PM): you've done it before
The IceyMan (7.51.06 PM): hmm.
sunrise in rio (7.52.48 PM): ??
The IceyMan (7.53.41 PM): I'm not sure
sunrise in rio (7.53.46 PM): well think about it okay?
The IceyMan (7.53.49 PM): I don't really want to see his penis.
The IceyMan (7.53.50 PM): ;-P
sunrise in rio (7.53.51 PM): we'll call you sunday or something
sunrise in rio (7.53.53 PM): you dont have to
sunrise in rio (7.53.56 PM): we can hide it in my ass.
The IceyMan (7.54.02 PM): oh.. great.
The IceyMan (7.54.04 PM): he gets the ass?
sunrise in rio (7.54.12 PM): you can have the ass if you want
sunrise in rio (7.55.04 PM): 3 options
sunrise in rio (7.55.07 PM): ass, cunny, mouth.
sunrise in rio (7.55.15 PM): ^_^ you've had two of those already. you can have my tight little ass
sunrise in rio (7.55.18 PM): as long as your good to it
The IceyMan (7.57.15 PM): ned's probably already had your ass
sunrise in rio (7.58.03 PM): nope
sunrise in rio (7.58.12 PM): I gots to go
sunrise in rio (7.58.13 PM): Seeyah
sunrise in rio (7.58.15 PM): ThiNK ABOUT IT
sunrise in rio (7.58.20 PM): 917 664 1268 = ned
sunrise in rio (7.58.24 PM): if you wanna sort things out with who gets what i guess
sunrise in rio (7.58.25 PM): byee

What the hell should I do?

I love this boy...

The girl is named Allison. I hate the bitch. Her info --

aim - sunriseinrio
myspace -
lj -
cell - 812.208.3387


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From: zaogirl05 Picture to use:(default)crygrayheartjohnpassion

2005-07-31 19:51 (link) Select
WOW that girl seems really desperate
did they date before or something because he seems to be very hung up on her
(Reply to this)(Thread)

2005-07-31 20:04 (link) Select
no they never dated

Three things bother me --
1. He is 22 and she was 15 when they had sex...pedophilia?
2. He lied to me about having sex with her. Not only did he lie, but he got pissed at me for not believing him. Geesh, the audacity.
3. While we were together he had those conversations with her that I included on here. I'm sorry...I don't like my boyfriend telling her she should come over to cuddle or that he misses her...

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2005-08-01 16:15 (link) Select
yeah that's just really shady right there and very assholeish of him and very slutty of her
22 and 15??????? Jesus that's fucking crazy I wouldn't like my boyfriend to be telling random flings that he wants to cuddle and that he misses them either
I don't know what to tell you about him cause I've gone through teh same situation and in the end i had to break up with him because it just wasn't working
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2005-08-01 17:16 (link) Select
Yeah...when she IMed me she said she wanted to let me know I was living with a pedophile. But what does that make her? A slut? I think so.

And he is fantastic...except for this one thing. Which happens to be HUGE. What he did was illegal. geesh.
(Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread)

2005-08-02 09:12 (link) Select
That girl has some serious problems and needs to have her head examined and i don't even know what to say about your boyfriend that is huge he could be spending a very long time in jail for that offence and apprently it seems like it's like nothing to him
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2005-08-02 19:48 (link) Select
And the girl is INSANE. I feel bad for her though. She still has problems regardless and should know better than to get involved with a 22 year old. She also showed her immaturity in how she handled telling me about her and Justin's fling. I don't like her, but I did send her an email saying sorry I was rude to her. I'm the bigger person.

And is ILLEGAL. I can't get over that part.

But god, now I've learned that he probably cheated on me (or at least tried to), he has spoken rather explictly to other girls (with I was spending the night with him even, mind you) online.

I'll post examples

and finally the little girl and I today --

zaogirlo5: I sent you an apology email
sunrise in rio: Were you the one ringing me?
zaogirlo5: when?
zaogirlo5: no, I really don't have your number
sunrise in rio: Alllll those times.
zaogirlo5: I was going to call and see if I could ask you some ?s but Justin really no longer has the number
sunrise in rio: oh
zaogirlo5: you read it and write your leisure of course
sunrise in rio: whatd you wanna know
sunrise in rio: whered you email it
zaogirlo5: hold on, let me look
zaogirlo5: I think a hotmail address
sunrise in rio: i wont get it.
zaogirlo5: or gmail
sunrise in rio: ok
sunrise in rio: im taking a practice ged test
sunrise in rio: so ill check later
zaogirlo5: cool, sorry to bother you
sunrise in rio: its fine
zaogirlo5: later, good luck with your practice
sunrise in rio: thx
sunrise in rio:
sunrise in rio: Ahh
sunrise in rio: i think i was 16
sunrise in rio: when it happened
sunrise in rio: im not really sure though
sunrise in rio: but i was being a total bitch
sunrise in rio: because my boyfriend is 24, so i mean.
sunrise in rio: [ive known him for an ever & 1/2]
zaogirlo5: but still, he lied to me
zaogirlo5: like...he got irate about me not believing him
sunrise in rio: ah
zaogirlo5: Sorry about all of this, I'm just a little confused
zaogirlo5: actually, really confused
sunrise in rio: i haveta' go.
zaogirlo5: okay later
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2005-08-02 19:51 (link) Select

The IceyMan (6.30.07 PM): I've never actually gotten to see a nipple ring in real life.
The IceyMan (6.30.08 PM): haha
playangelbunny (6.30.15 PM): really?
The IceyMan (6.30.16 PM): yeah.
playangelbunny (6.30.21 PM): i'll show u mine
The IceyMan (6.30.23 PM): haha
The IceyMan (6.30.25 PM): I wish ;-)
playangelbunny (6.30.29 PM): i will

The IceyMan (6.51.58 PM): if you were going to come out and dance with me
The IceyMan (6.52.05 PM): I could probably pay your guys' way into the clubs =)
playangelbunny (6.52.18 PM): oh believe me, i'd dance with u at the club
The IceyMan (6.52.30 PM): I think you're just teasing me
playangelbunny (6.52.48 PM): im not....
playangelbunny (6.52.55 PM): give me something to drink and i'll tease
The IceyMan (6.53.14 PM): haha
The IceyMan (6.53.20 PM): promise ;-)

playangelbunny (7.04.51 PM): i can dance for a bit....but after a while, i'll wanna hang on to the person and dance that way
The IceyMan (7.05.10 PM): hang on?
The IceyMan (7.05.12 PM): I don't understand
The IceyMan (7.05.25 PM): (sorry :-( )
playangelbunny (7.05.41 PM): like wrap my arms around his neck and grind into him like that
The IceyMan (7.05.47 PM): oh.. of course ;-)
The IceyMan (7.09.18 PM): you don't have like a boyfriend who's going to come beat me up if I dance with you.. do you?
playangelbunny (7.09.34 PM): nope, i've been sigle since october
The IceyMan (7.09.57 PM): ok.
The IceyMan (7.10.02 PM): cause I'm not very tough and he'd probably win
playangelbunny (7.14.07 PM): lol its ok
The IceyMan (7.17.53 PM): I'm scared and nervous ;-P
playangelbunny (7.18.09 PM): y? i wont hurt u....i promise! and i dont bite, unless im told its ok
The IceyMan (7.20.00 PM): haha
The IceyMan (7.20.04 PM): I dunno if I can handle you ;-)
playangelbunny (7.20.20 PM): u wont know unless u try
The IceyMan (7.22.07 PM): hahaha

The IceyMan (7.24.17 PM): haha
The IceyMan (7.24.23 PM): I'm pretty shy in real life when it comes to girls.
The IceyMan (7.24.27 PM): I'm cool around everyone else though
playangelbunny (7.24.48 PM): coo
The IceyMan (7.24.58 PM): I'll be afraid to dance with yu
The IceyMan (7.24.59 PM): haha
playangelbunny (7.25.10 PM): y?!?! im not that scary!
The IceyMan (7.25.26 PM): I'm just shy =)
playangelbunny (7.25.38 PM): ok.
playangelbunny (7.25.59 PM): we cant think of nething to do! we've done just about everything that there is
The IceyMan (7.26.16 PM): well I mean.
The IceyMan (7.26.18 PM): I dunno
The IceyMan (7.26.21 PM): he doesn't want to come dancing?
playangelbunny (7.26.27 PM): i dont know.
The IceyMan (7.27.49 PM): just you and i could go dancing if you wanted
playangelbunny (7.28.50 PM): hmmm i dont know right now..... dancing sounds good....but hmmm i gotta think about it for a lil bit...and then find my outfit....what if we keep the dancing in mind and plan it for another time
The IceyMan (7.28.59 PM): =( ok.
playangelbunny (7.29.13 PM): that way, travis can have someone to go with us......i dont mean to make u sad...but like i like go to with friends, safey in numbers
playangelbunny (7.30.16 PM): plus i'll have time to plan my outfit out and get ready for a night of dancing
The IceyMan (7.31.48 PM): ok =( whatever you say.
playangelbunny (7.32.16 PM): cuz like, what if we hit it off dacing and we wanna play around a lil bit afterwards?
The IceyMan (7.32.32 PM): well I mean
The IceyMan (7.32.39 PM): we'd have to deal with that when it comes
playangelbunny (7.33.04 PM): yea, but say it does....right now isnt a good time for me to play......that time of the damn freakin month, and i do want to play
The IceyMan (7.33.17 PM): well I understand..
The IceyMan (7.33.20 PM): but we could still dance.
The IceyMan (7.33.23 PM): it'd be fun =)
The IceyMan (7.33.59 PM): it'll tease me just as much as it teases you ;-P
playangelbunny (7.34.10 PM): but i want more then teasing! i want pleasure!
The IceyMan (7.34.14 PM): haha
The IceyMan (7.34.23 PM): well you have to suffer through the teasing first.

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2005-08-02 19:51 (link) Select

The IceyMan (9.11.55 PM): I was just wondering if I could ask you something..
elsa3beth (9.12.00 PM): shoot
The IceyMan (9.12.15 PM): like I'd kinda like some confidential adivce...
The IceyMan (9.12.19 PM): just because you seem like a cool girl
elsa3beth (9.12.32 PM): i can take it this regards amanda?:-P
The IceyMan (9.12.39 PM): well maybe.
The IceyMan (9.12.41 PM): I realize that like..
The IceyMan (9.12.46 PM): there's not much relationship possiblity with me
The IceyMan (9.12.51 PM): being that I'm kinda going to graduate and stuff.
elsa3beth (9.13.00 PM): we're best friends, so we talk about mostly everything, but i can keep things quiet
elsa3beth (9.13.07 PM): yeah, i know what u mean
The IceyMan (9.13.11 PM): and I dunno..
The IceyMan (9.13.31 PM): maybe she gets drunk and does that kinda thing with guys a lot... but I'm going to assume that's not the case.
elsa3beth (9.13.32 PM): hey, you might as well have fun while your still here
The IceyMan (9.14.14 PM): like I dunno.. I just didn't know if you knew anything..
The IceyMan (9.14.20 PM): I'm really really shy.
The IceyMan (9.14.27 PM): and I have no idea how that happened last night.
The IceyMan (9.14.34 PM): but it was really cool
The IceyMan (9.14.42 PM): and I really like partying.. and music.. and dancing.. and hanging out with you guys.
The IceyMan (9.14.55 PM): I just thought it'd be fun to keep hanging out... and partying.. and stuff.
The IceyMan (9.14.56 PM): I dunno.
The IceyMan (9.15.12 PM): am I making any sense? I feel stupid.
elsa3beth (9.17.15 PM): well, when amanda gets drunk, she does get lonely, but she's not really 'like that'. She's a bit fickle when it comes to guys, so I can't really say how her feelings tend towards you, but she did have a great time
The IceyMan (9.17.26 PM): *sigh*
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2005-08-02 19:57 (link) Select
I was spending the night with him this night. I was in the same goddamn room in his bed.

2005-08-02 19:52 (link) Select

The IceyMan (2.29.51 AM): you're cute
The IceyMan (2.29.55 AM): hot even
The IceyMan (2.30.02 AM): I wish I could be there to take advantage of.. er.. I mean.. hang out with
The IceyMan (2.30.02 AM): you
Jodiebug1 (2.30.14 AM): awwww
Jodiebug1 (2.30.22 AM): me too, seriously
Jodiebug1 (2.30.59 AM): cuz you are cute as well

The IceyMan (3.15.59 AM): mmm.
The IceyMan (3.16.09 AM): it's best that you not come over while I'm drunk.
Jodiebug1 (3.16.22 AM): i disgree
The IceyMan (3.16.33 AM): I would hard core take advantage of you ;-)
Jodiebug1 (3.16.34 AM): disagree
Jodiebug1 (3.17.14 AM): mmm. it is taking advantage when the other party is willing?
The IceyMan (3.18.36 AM): haha
The IceyMan (3.18.40 AM): you have no idea of the things I have in mind ;-)

The IceyMan (3.23.21 AM): haha
The IceyMan (3.23.31 AM): you say that now.
The IceyMan (3.23.35 AM): I don't think you'd really let me if I were there
Jodiebug1 (3.23.47 AM): you underestimate me.
The IceyMan (3.24.07 AM): there are all kinds of things I'd like to do to you ;-)
Jodiebug1 (3.24.17 AM): hahaha. i second that motion.
The IceyMan (3.24.26 AM): tease ;-)
Jodiebug1 (3.24.32 AM): nope.
The IceyMan (3.24.44 AM): there are all kinds of sexual positions I want to try too ;-P
Jodiebug1 (3.25.18 AM): i had the pleasure of being a fifth wheel tonight. you'd get all kinds of positive feedback from me tonight. i was not feeling the love.
The IceyMan (3.25.29 AM): haha.
The IceyMan (3.25.32 AM): positive feedback?
Jodiebug1 (3.26.12 AM): as in "justin is cute and paying attention to me. he can do pretty much wahtever and i'll be ok with it. "
The IceyMan (3.26.33 AM): ;-)
The IceyMan (3.26.41 AM): you're so fucking cute.
Jodiebug1 (3.27.03 AM): as are you.
The IceyMan (3.27.07 AM): haha
The IceyMan (3.27.10 AM): well I'm going to hit the bed
The IceyMan (3.27.12 AM): I have to be up in 5 hours
Jodiebug1 (3.27.16 AM): yikes.
Jodiebug1 (3.27.24 AM): oooooooookkkkkkkkkkkkkk
The IceyMan (3.27.24 AM): and now I have to go dream of you ;-)
Jodiebug1 (3.27.35 AM): too bad it a dream. i prefer reality.
The IceyMan (3.27.38 AM): ;-)
The IceyMan (3.27.44 AM): sleep well hot stuff.
Jodiebug1 (3.27.51 AM): goodnight, cute boy.

The IceyMan (3.48.49 PM): I'm going to a party tonight I think
Jodiebug1 (3.49.07 PM): that'll be fun
Jodiebug1 (3.49.39 PM): you need to have a good time.
The IceyMan (3.49.50 PM): yeah, I dunno.
Jodiebug1 (3.50.09 PM): you don't know if you need to party?
The IceyMan (3.50.17 PM): I'll just end up lonely
Jodiebug1 (3.50.39 PM): that is not an ideal way to end the night, i agree.
Jodiebug1 (3.50.57 PM): some hot girl will probably be all over you all night though.
The IceyMan (3.51.28 PM): I wish
The IceyMan (3.51.37 PM): even if she is just going to tease me and leave me

Jodiebug1 (5.03.54 PM): i don't know what you're talking about O:-)
Jodiebug1 (5.05.34 PM): i think you're the tease. if i showed up, you wouldn't know what to do with me.
The IceyMan (5.05.47 PM): yeah right
The IceyMan (5.05.50 PM): i'll show you the time of your life
Jodiebug1 (5.06.18 PM): =)
Jodiebug1 (5.06.37 PM): you say that now.

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sorry so long...
2005-08-04 19:06 (link) Select
WOW!!!!! that's all that i have to say to all of that is just wow.
all the girls that he talks to online are pretty much sluts well sound like it anyway probably are in real life too who's to know
and the little illegal girl has some serious issues...studying for your GED yeah you're a bright one...
i'm sorry but your boyfriend seems like a huge perv and it looks like he tried to cheat on you but didn't get very far with that cause from the looks of it all the girls that he's asked to meet up with make some excuse up and it also looks like they are very much taken
so why exactly is it that he's trying to steal another man's girl when he's said it himself that another man could probably beat him up? does he have some sort of unsaid death wish?
oh and why is the illegal girl (i don't know her name sorry) dating a 24 year old jesus that's worse than a 22 yaer old
I mean I know I can't say anything because I've done my fair share of illegal activity and stupid shit but i've grown up from that and the oldest man that i've ever dated was 22 and i was 17 so even then it wasn't that bad god damnit at least some of us know our limits
and i congradulate you on being such a ballsy woman because i for one know i would never be able to do any of this or confront my boyfriend for what he's done while he's been with me I've been in this kind of situation before and just kinda of ignored it so I give you a round of applause for your detective work and for you confrontation
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Re: sorry so long...
2005-08-04 21:10 (link) Select
Thank you :-)

Yeah...even if he hasn't cheated on me it seems he has tried and wants to do so. I know I'm going to confront him. But it won't be until he does something wrong again.
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2005-08-02 02:55 (link) Select
I Seriously don't think you were in any wrong checking his emails. You were suspicious and I think most people in your situation would have done exactly what you did. And he is your boyfriend, and you love him. He may be lying to you, so you should just confront him. And that girl really needs to take a step back. She sounds really patheticly desperate.

Good luck! I don't think you did anything wrong and I hope it all works of well for you! ♥
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2005-08-02 03:09 (link) Select
wow, this really made me feel better. thanks <3

I do love him and I felt as if I had no other choice than to look. I feel guilty, but then again...he DID lie to me. I would never have known that had I not looked.

And so he's asleep right now. He left himself logged in on his computer. So I decided to go through a few aim logs from other screen names that he talks to. God, he really hits on girls bad. Like...he is explict.

I respect privacy more than most people. Human nature is to be curious, but I really truly stay out of people's things. But if he is going to lie to me...what other choice do I have??? I need to know what is going on.

God, I want to crawl into a corner and cry myself to sleep. I'm in love with a pedophile who is not satisfied with me and has to try to hit on every girl in sight. :*-(

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2005-08-04 01:12 (link) Select
I'm glad I made you feel better <3. You really really did nothing wrong, most girls in your position would have done exactly what you did. Have you thought about what you're going to do now that you know the truth?

Don't cry! Nobody can be worth tears. ♥
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2005-08-04 11:17 (link) Select
It seems so wrong as we are getting along so well to bring it up. Jodie (the girl in that one convo) and my friend Peter both suggested I wait. I'm living with him until the end of August when I start classes.

They said if I were to bring it up, that should be the time. I hope I do. Knowing me, I won't bring it up until he hurts me again.
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If anyone actually finds this and takes the time to read it...they are probably in utter shock right now.

I feel that I should add that Justin DID admit to having had sex with her. It was the night before the My Chemical Romance concert. He admitted everything. Geesh.
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