Title: Nothing’s Perfection
sumthinlikhumanClaim: Haninozuka “Honey” Mitsukuni/Morinozuka “Mori” Takashi
Theme: 22. Tea Party
Rating: K
Disclaimer: All characters used within are the property of VIZ media and the creator of Ouran Koukou Hosuto Bu. No profit is being made.
It was, Takashi later learned, Mitsukuni’s first time performing the tea ceremony. He never would have guessed, looking at the little blonde and how proficiently he moves through the practiced, measured movements. As he watches his friend-oh, how strange it is to think him such-he cuts glances to Grandmother, who watches expectantly. She expects Mitsukuni to mess up.
So does Takashi, honestly. He wishes Mitsukuni were not so perfect.
When he asked to learn the tea ceremony, Grandmother looked down her nose at him. She was a Haninozuka (never mind that it was by name), and had thought it foolish for her son’s heir to learn something that was not just so frivolous, but also so feminine.
Takashi learned with him, but Grandmother was not so critical of him.
Mitsukuni’s hands shake. Takashi never saw him quite so nervous. He supposed it is then he realizes that it is Mitsukuni’s first time, but he doesn’t think much of it. Grandmother makes a noise of disappointment. She stands before Mitsukuni is done, and turns away.
Takashi pours himself a cup while Mitsukuni looks crushed. He’s glad Mitsukuni isn’t perfect after all.
But the tea tastes very good. He tells Mitsukuni that, and smiles only because Mitsukuni looks like he’s brought down the moon for him.
It’s a good feeling.