39/50 Bearing an Hourglass by Piers Anthony
The second in the Incarnations of Immortality series, Bearing an Hourglass focuses on Norton who assumes the Office of Time. I liked the part before Norton became Time and the fact that Time lived backward. But the book definitely had its slow spots and pieces that felt like they were padding the book, more than constructively adding anything to it. And the paradox, being paradox, was just confusing.
40/50 With a Tangled Skein by Piers Anthony
The third in Incarnations of Immortality and the best to date. I'm awfully busy (and probably won't have time to read in a short while D:) but I started reading this right after I finished Bearing an Hourglass and couldn't put it down. This book concerns Niobe who assumes the Office of Fate. The overarching story is really starting to come into focus as the Kaftans are explained more. And I liked Anthony's own weaving of Niobe's fate. :)
I skipped Anthony's Author's Note in both books. I'm finding that I don't really like him. His gender politics especially bother me.
Next: Banker to the Poor is overdue so I should probably crack it open and be done with it ASAP.
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