o13 : let your life speak : listening for the voice of vocation.

May 27, 2009 19:41

Didn't expect to be back here so soon. And I read fairly slowly in comparison to others, which says something, since I finished this short little book in a handful of hours.

Things to acknowledge : I was in the mindset for this book. I'm also becoming fond of the author, as this is the second work of his that I have read ( also read A Hidden Wholeness ). I also have another book of his, entitled The Courage to Teach, which I will get to at some point this summer. Parker J. Palmer has been introduced to me through my graduate program and, more specifically, through the teaching associate program. Why? Actually, it sort of reminds me of the Jesuit idea of educating the cura personalis, the whole person. It's looking at private and public life and finding a way to merge those two so they aren't always at odds, or at least acknowledging that there is a gap between, a hidden wholeness. Anyway. I've heard very good things.

Another thing : some people I've spoken with, in regards to the author, are occasionally uncomfortable because Palmer is very open about spirituality and often invokes his Quaker faith and God. It just happens. He often says things about the soul that I'm not always totally on the boat with, but I find that I learn regardless. Again, I was in the mood for this book. I realize now that it's a Christian book, but that wasn't my motivation for getting it.

Palmer published Let Your Life Speak : Listening for the Voice of Vocation in 2000. I was specifically interested in the idea of vocation, so it appealed to me because, well, I'd like a vocation and it's something I've struggled with. Palmer includes quite a lot of information about himself in order to really explain what he's talking about and how he got to his present situation, from being fired from a position to attempting seminary to going through two instances of depression. I think he does so in a way that doesn't linger but, rather, shows his desire to give information to readers who might benefit from his experiences. It's ( roughly ) about finding out what it is that you want, accepting that you will go through things to figure out what works for you and what doesn't, and if something doesn't work out, maybe that was the way of telling you it wasn't a good idea. And this means accepting responsibility at the same time. Just a thoughtful read. Nice book for my cousin who just graduated from college, I think.

Genre : Christianity, Spirituality, Work life.
Length : 109 pages, with some extra pages for notes.
Rating : 3/5 = Worth the read.

Currently reading : Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell and, soon, A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle because I need a fiction fix.

christian, spiritual reading

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