Beautiful Darkness by Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl
The sequel to Beautiful Creatures which I loved. Darkness starts as slowly as its predecessor. With the extra dollop of Noble Idiot syndrome from the female lead, Lena, I was prepared to hate this book. Thank God it did eventually pick up. Characters later show up in a rather coincidental way, but I enjoyed the twists and better understand what the authors might do with two more books. (I still think they're doing two more to cash in on something that could be more tightly plotted than what we have, but I feel confident that, at least, things will happen.)
Lost in a Good Book by Jasper Fforde
The sequel to The Eyre Affair (which I reviewed
here) and the second Thursday Next novel. I was delighted to find that I liked this book better than the first. (In fact, I did get lost in this book: I couldn't put it down and read it in one day.) I was more used to the world Fforde had built and his tendency to cram every new chapter with something completely new. I was especially tickled by the notion of "murder by coincidence"-- that's a lampshade I will buy.
Next: Zombie Economics by John Quiggan
Rest of the Reading List)