Speakin of pictures of me, Lloyd and Buck just got those Motorola phones wit the cameras in them, y'know? And I think they wanna use one of my songs or somethin, so they're like dirt cheap and really cool. So I'm gonna get me one, an you one. Cool? Cool.
Hey Dirrty, I got your mag. in advance. Nelly has one too. Ive been handin' them out left and right! Lookin good. Me and you will have to do a song together or some...
Comments 7
Speakin of pictures of me, Lloyd and Buck just got those Motorola phones wit the cameras in them, y'know? And I think they wanna use one of my songs or somethin, so they're like dirt cheap and really cool. So I'm gonna get me one, an you one. Cool? Cool.
haha yeah that's cool. You need to get online one of these days :P
PS ya should know if ya real!!!!!!!!!! :)
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