Title: The Best Laid Plans
Fandom: LOTR
Characters: Gil-galad, Cirdan
Prompt: 003: I suppose you feel that everything has gone off splendidly and according to plan?
Word Count: 401
Rating: PG
Summary: Gil-galad is angry at having two children dumped on his doorstep.
Gil-galad turned to Cirdan. He was furious. The old rascal had hoodwinked him. He knew the children had nowhere else to go but he did not want them. He was no father. He’d never even been a child himself or so it seemed most of the time.
He’d been sent to Cirdan for protection as a child and there had been little time for playing and other childish things. They were at war and much of the time, on the run from Gil-galad’s own cousins. He had become king when he was little more than a child.
No, he did not want two little lost children to care for. Who knew what abuse those two monsters had heaped upon the little fellows. They looked fairly well fed but they surely did seem to be awfully sad. He understood though, having lost his own parents at a young age. Poor little things.
He opened his mouth to speak but Cirdan wasn’t even looking at him. He was sipping tea and watching the elflings playing in the courtyard. The larger one was handy with his toy sword but Gil-galad’s eye was drawn to the other one. He was not nearly as skilled but he was quick and managed to duck out of his brother’s way most of the time.
They had been rather ragged and dirty when Maedhros and Maglor had shown up with them. He hadn’t even wanted to let his cousins in but since they were kin, he had. They had the children in tow. Two little half elves. They didn’t seem afraid of Maglor but they did seem frightened of most everything else.
He stood and went to the window. His heart constricted as he watched them. Damn it! He did not want to care about them! He did not need someone else to come into his life and break his heart. Damn, damn, DAMN!
He turned from the window and glared at Cirdan. “I suppose you feel that everything has gone off splendidly and according to plan?”
Cirdan sipped his tea and looked beyond the young king. He smiled sadly at the two little ones outdoors. “Yes, actually I do.” He rose from his seat and left the room, leaving Gil-galad to think about what lay ahead.
Gil-galad left the room too, heading out to the courtyard to ask if he could practice sword fighting with his new charges.