Title: Beacon of Hope
Fandom: LOTR
Characters: Gil-galad, Cirdan
Prompt: #007: We believe that we may meet again in a time to come, and perhaps we shall find somewhere a land where can live together and both be content.
Word Count: 511
Rating: PG
Summary: Gil-galad is discouraged on the plains of Mordor.
Gil-galad looked at his armor, all laid out for him the night before by his young squire. The poor child shined and cleaned it every night, as if that really mattered at all. It seemed as if he’d spent his whole life on this dark dirty plain. Perhaps that was really Sauron’s plan, to drive them all crazy with boredom and filth as they lay siege to his fortress.
He pulled on his undergarments, those being as clean as his armor. Why didn’t he just sit here in his tent today and play cards with one of his commanders? The end result for the day would no doubt be the same.
He was King. That was why. Even if he didn’t hold out a great deal of hope himself, he was hope to many of the others here in this Valar forsaken wasteland. He began to don his armor when someone entered the tent. He didn’t bother to look. It was either Cirdan or Elrond. No one else would dare enter without permission.
“Getting a late start today?” Cirdan raised an eyebrow at his half-dressed state.
“I was debating whether to start at all.”
“Ah.” Cirdan’s ‘ahs’ could be most irritating. They were usually followed by Cirdan telling what *he* would do if he were in the King’s place. This might have been an offense to the King too if anyone else had dared to do such a thing. But Cirdan was different. He had risen from the Waters of Cuiviénen and was the oldest elf in Arda.
He was also Gil-galad’s mentor, his foster father and most importantly, his friend. In another world and time, he may have been even more to the young King but not in this one. There was no time for such things. Personal wants had to be put aside for the good of all.
“This war becomes most tedious. I understand your feeling. And I know you will suit up and go out there, to inspire the others to hope. I know this because I know you.”
“Aye, I will go out there but it gets harder, Cirdan, harder every day.”
The elder elf scratched his beard and looked away, as if the tent wall had some answer written upon it. “I love you like a son, Ereinion. You know that. You are the dearest person in all the world to me. I would not be here for this war if you were not. I do not know how this will come out. Not well, I fear, but one never knows. I will tell you this: I believe that we may meet again in a time to come, and perhaps we shall find somewhere a land where can live together and both be content. I do not believe that will happen here though.”
“But we must fight the war nonetheless,” Gil-galad finished for him.
Cirdan nodded and turned to leave.
“Thank you, my lord,” Gil-galad said to Cirdan as they opened the tent flap and stepped out into the murky sunlight of a new day.