50s-dance's LJ stalker is xxripmyheartout!xxripmyheartout is stalking you because they have nothing better to do with their time. They are also stalking you in real life. Look out!
It doesn't even feel like my birthday, Im not even really celebrating it. Im going to go fill out applications and hang out with courtney and sara if i get ahold of her. The truth is, I just want to sleep the day away. My ear hurts so bad right now I could cry.
My other hampster (The little asshole) opened the cage door and he climbed right out last night! He must have scared my mom in the kitchen because she started screaming and made me come get the little sneaky bitch.
What is up with these litlte shitheads? Especially , Albie. She bites so fucking much!
I almost lost my hamster for good, except he bit gino and we found him. He's safely back in his little cage. If I would have lost him, it would have been like losing my first born..or my leg. Pshhhhhh
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