Title: Family
jibunnohanaTheme: #19, family
Rating: G
Pairing: Ni~ya x Sakito
Band[s]: Nightmare
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Comments: Drabble. The title is ever so creative.
Two male rock musicians and a rabbit were not the Japanese standard nuclear family, but Sakito was usually happy with his peculiar arrangement. Most days, Niya remembered to hang up his wet towel and Aguro did not chew holes in his newest shoes. There were, of course, days when this did happen. And there were also days when the unexpected happened.
“Ni…have you seen Aguro today?” The bun had been missing since morning.
Niya’s characteristically guilty look he found impossible to hide gave away the cruel joke. “Uh…in the…garbage can?”
Glaring his displeasure, Sakito removed his pet from the malodorous prison.