who knew you could get pulled over delivering pizza with a sign on your car? and better yet, who knew the fuckers would give you a ticket!? two and a half weeks.
quit job in 3 weeks finish fixed conversion get inheritance money take 2 weeks(april 16th-30th-ish) off spend two weeks doing whatever i want start looking for a job beginning of may or keep doing whatever i want
part 1-to the meat-eaters(vegetarian and vegan comments welcome): locked in this discussion at work: what differentiates between a "pet" animal and a "food" animal for you?
part 2-note to self: slow and easy, not low and sleazy.
ATTN: FRIENDS OF BEN HORNE: my mail freaked out and ate his address in iraq. if you have said address please email me at brett.ammon@gmail.com thanks. P.S. i am selling my 12" apple powerbook. if you are interested email the above for more info.