(no subject)

Apr 27, 2005 23:27

1. Your Full name (that means ur middle 2!): Andrew George Marmol
2. Your age: 17
3. Birthday: may 20th
4. Zodiac sign: tourus
5. Eye color: brown
6. Hair color: black
7. Hair Length: um.. not short enuff
8. Height: 5-11
9. What state do you live in: NY
10. What town: Valhalla

11. Where you born there, if not where: White Plains

12. If you had been born a member of the opposite sex, what would your name have been: idk
13. Would you name a child of yours after yourself: nope

14. If you would switch names with one of your friend who's would it be: idk

15. What's one thing about you that makes you unique: im Peruvian, lol

16. Nicknames: Marm(z)

17. Siblings: timmy and jeff
18. Animals: nope
19. Favorite animals: not a big fan
20. Do you have glasses: not that I wear
21: What piercings or tattoos do you have: nutin
22. What school do you go to: Westlaaaaaaake
23. Do you hve braces: nope

24. Do you have a tan: o yea

25. Do you have a b/f or g/f: nope
26. If so what's their name, if not what's ur crush's name: ha!
27. Do you play an instument, if so what: not a musical person

28. What grade are u in: seniors 05
29. What's your parent's names: susan, jorge
30. How easy is it to make you laugh: its not impossible
31. What person makes you laugh the most: Mazi
32. What words make you laugh or at least smile: ne thing maz says, lol

33: What's the funniest thing you have ever done: lots of stuff..im too lazy to think of anything specific
34: What's the funniest thing you have ever said or written: dunno i dont record this stuff
35: Do you ever dance when no one is looking: no, but I sometimes ill moe around in my wrestling stance, lol,,, bad habbit
36: What is the worse song you have ever heard: number one spot
37: What song(s) are constantly in your head: hate it or love it remix

38: What song(s) describe your personality best: idk

39: When eating something are you more concerned with taste or Nutrition: taste, most of the time
40: Do you ever feel guilty after eating meat: I feel guilty if I DON’T eat meat.

41. What do you love most about the other Gender: Personality

42. What do you dislike most about the other sex: they r so fuckin complicated

43. What do you understand least about the other gender: everything?
44. What holiday do you think still has managed to reatain it's original meaning: none
45. Since there is no official holiday what holiday do you think should be in that month: sure?
46. What movie(s) make you cry: haha

47. What has made you laugh so hard you have cried:pretty much every thing mazi says

48. If could be cloned would you: def, so I would have a wrestling drill partner, lol
49. Are you a night owl: most of the time

50. Are you an early bird: once in a while

51. What time of day do you feel your best: 3pm

52. Do you get bored: when am I not bored?
53. Do you sleep: a lot
54. Do you like Christmas: sure

55. Who is Santa: ur mom
56. What comes to mind when you think of water: Poland springs
57. Do you like rain: not if I had plans or somin
58. Do you think it matters if girls wear makeup: not most of the time
59. Do you think woman are from venus and men are from mars: ummm sure?
60. Do you like popcorn: yea

61. Can you dance: yea, ok
62. Do you go to church: not really
63. Do you like T.V.: yea
64. Do you wear underwear: haha, yes
65. What do you think about a penny: i think they are annoying lol and no one uses them

66. What would you do with a million Dollars: go to college

67. What's your room like: I got like diff sports balls painted all ovr, and too many trophies

68. Are you a prep: nah
69. Do you laugh when you hear or read the number 69: uh, no

70. Do you believe in Ghosts: no

71. Do you like school: sometimes
72. What's your best subject: math

73. Do you wear a belt: never

74. Can you sing: never

75. Do you take showers or baths: uh, showers
76. Have you ever burned toast: yeah
77. Ever heard the awsome song by bob and tom named toast: no
78. Do you like Football: u gota love it

79. Do you play any sports, if so what: I used to play all sports, but now its down to football, WRESTLING, and now track

80. Do you bite your nails: I try not too

81. Do you like cooking: when im hungry

82. Who has had the most influence on you: coaches

83. Do you floss: nope

84. Have you ever stayed up ALL night: hell no! who does that?!?! Lol

85. Are you selfish: not

86. Do you like mickey mouse: sure?
87. Have you ever dyed your hair: nope

88. Do you believe in monsters: monster should b scared of me
89. Is your room clean right now: sure, compared to normal
90. Do you eat breakfast: most of the time

91. Are you a caring person: I try to be
92. Are you afraid of the dark: haha, no

93. Do you have stuffed animals: no!
94. Ever broke a bone: my thumb a few years ago
95. Are your friends insane: def
96. Have you ever mooned anyone: prolly
97. Have you ever played truth or dare: not seriously
98. Are you afraid of clowns: no
99. Did you ever believe in the toothfairy: ur moms the tooth fairy
100. Did you ever believe in the easter bunny: shes the easter bunny too
101. What do you think makes a good friend: always being there no matter what

102. Do you like Barney: I like the one on the simpsons

103. Can you rub your belly and head at the same time: yes
104. What's the first vacction you went on: gay question

105. Have you ever had surgery: nope
106. HAve you ever farted in public: haha

107. Do you keep a diary: well this journal doesnt really count

108. Do you get good grades: usually

109. Do you go to bed early or late: I try to go to sleep early, but it DON’T always work out that way….*cough*
110. Do you gossip: sometimes, lol

111. Do you talk about ppl behind their backs: not usually
112. Have you ever played hard to get: yea, ok

113. How would you describe your life: active
114. Do you actually know your Social Security number: yea
115. What do you want to be when you grow up: dentist

116. Do you want kids and how many if so: 2-3

117. What would you name your kids: mathew

118. Do you want to get married: eventually
119. What's your dream car: Audi TT

~*~ Favorites ~*~

120. COLOR: dark blue

121. SONG: w/e is playin

123. Tea: w/e
124. ACTOR: chad steve-0
125. ACTRESS: idk, w/e

126. FOOD:chicken parm
127. BEVERAGE: bud
128. MOVIE: boondock saints

130. TEACHER: smitty!

131. SUBJECT: math
132. DAY OF THE WEEK: faiday
133. book: yea, ok

134. place: Bahamas

135. place to eat: thornwood pizza
136. animal: we akready did this one

137. music group: g-g-g unit

138. solo/ singer: 50
139. r&b singer: 50

140. rap singer:50

141. pop singer:....
142. country singer:...
143. punk singer: k this is getting old...
144. Store: um,,,,
145. Possesion: my computer
146. Cheese: mozzarella?
147. Sport: wrestling

148. Team: how bout those yanks
149. Magazine: w/e
150. Season: Summer/ Spring
151. Flower: lol
152. Chocolate bar: reces

153. Restaurant: Applebees?

154. Gum: winterfresh
155. Snack: w/e I feel like, lol

156. Candy: umm anything with sugar

157. Veggie: eww

158. Ice cream: cookies n cream
159. T.V. channel: mtv
160. Juice: stawbery passion
161. Radio stations: k-rock
162. Cereal: Golden apple jacks?
163. Yearly holiday: cinco de mayo!

164. Fruit: oranges

165. Month: june
166. Christmas Carol: wtf?
167. Scent: A8
168. Number: 58

169. Pop: soda? COKE!

~*~Which do you prefer?~*~

170. Jeans or sweatpants? jeans
180. Sun or moon? sun
190. Gold or silver? w/e
191. Math or Science? math
192. English or Social Studies? neither
193. Checkered or spotted?: ??
194. Fried or Baked? fried

195 Chicken or Pork? both
196. Tight or loose fitting clothes? depends
197. Smooth or rough? For wut?
198. Shiny or dull? shiny
199. Bright or dark? bright
200. Silky or satin? silky
201. Blue ink or black ink? Ew, w/e
202. Barbie or Ken? barbie
203. Warm or cold? cold
204. Ham or cheese? w/e
205. Salt or Pepper? salt
206. Sunny or cloudy? sunny
207. Raining or Snowing? snowing
208. Sweet or sour? sweet
209. Apple or pear? apple
210. Mercades or BMW? BMW
211. Motorcycle or Car? car
212. Army or Navy? Army
213. Pool or beach? pool
214. Shoes or Sandles? sneakers

215. Short or long nails? short

216. Stripes or plaid? stripes
217. Lemon or Lime? lemon
218. T-shirt or Tanktop? t-shirt
219. Bike or walk? walk
220. Rollar blade or bike? bike
221. Bitchy and beautiful or nice and ugly? nice and beautiful haha

222. MTV or Vh1? mtv
223. Spanish or French? spanish
224. Bus or train? train
225. Plane or boat? plane
226. Friend or Family? friends
227. Baseball or Basketball? baseball

228. Pen or Pencil? pen
229. Paper or plastic? plastic
230. Original recipe or extra crispy? original
231. Truck or car? car
232. Dinner or lunch? dinner
233. Italy or France? italy
234. Romance or flirt? Romance
235. dog or Cat? Dog, I guess
236. Kiss or Tongue? heh
237. Tall or short? tall
238. Mac or PC? PC!
239. Hug or kiss? hug
240. football or basketball? Football!!
241. Long hair or short? for who?
242. Ski or snowboard? snowboarding

243. Song or Parody? song
244. Coke or Pepsi? COKE!
245. Pizza or Cheeseburger? BOTH
246. New York or Cancun? cancun
247. White Chocolate or Redular chocolate? regular

248. Abercrombie or American Eagle? Neither

249. McDonalds or Burger King? mcdonalds
250. Inside or outside? outside
251. Shoes or no shoes? No shoes

~*~Which one of your friends is....~*~

252. Funniest: mazi

253. Dumbest (in a good way): prolly maz again
254. Strongest: frank

255. Strangest (once again in a good way~!): def maz
256. Hottest: haha, gina?
257. Most artistic: katelyn?
258. Most Creative: idk

259. Has the worst handwriting: frank

260. Has the best handwriting: yvars

261. The smartest: phil/ debo

262. Biggest Daredevil: vinny

263. Most likely to become famous: prolly vinny, or oprysk

264. Most outgoing: vinny
265. Sweestest: idk

266. Most obsessed with music: james?

267. Biggest adrenaline junkie: idk

268. The most hyper: vinny?
269. Most trusted: sags or mazi
270. Most Annoying (in a good way again): Maz
271. Biggest Sport Fanatic: DANA, lol
272. Shyest: prolly maz

273. Boldest: def maz

274. Prettiest: y not maz?
275. Most Handsome: who ever
276. biggest blabber mouth: ummmm
277. Most-Talented: carter
278. Most talkative: vinny?

279. Most sensitive: depends
280. Shortest: vinshot?
281. Tallest: mo
282. The one you can talk best to: maz, or sags

283. The one that can make you smile: def maz
284. The one that's always there for you: all of them are

285. Most perfect: ...

286. Most Insecure: maz, lol
287. Horniest: hmmmm, lol

288. Shortest temper: idk
289. Dirtyest mind: hmmm

290. Most unusual ideas: every one

291. Has best hair: no idea...
292. Most boy crazy: mazi?

293. Loves to dance: jeanine
294. Loves scary movies: frank
295. Is kinda Ditzy (But we know ya love em anyway!): idk

296. Biggest flirt: gina?

297. most likely to cry at movies: any girl lol..

298. Most likely to talk to strangers: not sure
299. Most likely to get a tattoo: idk

300. Most likely to become a doctor: idk

301. Has the neatest room: HA!, def sags

302. Most likely to marry into money: godo question
303. Biggest party animal: vitolo

304. Knows the most about you: sags or mo or fank

305. Been friends for the longest: sags, frank, and vinny

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