Title: Out of Sight Fandom: Bleach Characters: Urahara/Yoruichi Summary: One time she kicks him out of her bed and one time she comes to his. Prompt: Past, Present, Future Rating: (This chapter) T Word Count: 998 Notes: This chapter contains spoilers for the current flashback arc going on in the manga.
Fandom: Lost Character: Sayid Jarrah [Jack/Sayid] Theme Set: #5 Prompt: run Rating: R Word Count: 4700 more or less. Notes: spoilers for the S3 finale and 4x03, deals with withdrawal symptoms in one section.
Fandom: Silent Hill 3 Character: Alessa Gillespie and Stanley Coleman Theme Set: 1 Prompt: Hide my face Rating: NC-17 Word Count: 560 Notes: AU setting, set slightly after SH3. Alessa is 31 in this fic.
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII Compilation Character: Zack Fair Theme Set: #6 Prompt: doublespeak Rating: PG/K+ Word Count: 250 Notes: Fair puns are awesome. I love puns; it's an unfortunate affliction, but I embrace it.