U.C.L.A, Unload Caps into the Local's Asses

Oct 09, 2005 14:07

I just wanted to tell everyone about the great and nice neighborhood that I've moved into here in the UCLA community. I live at 433 Midvale Ave., everyone here is peachy, sunny, and friendly. Plus our neighborhood is one of the safest in the nation...

Last week I was perusing the UCLA lj community(ah, good all peaceful ucla lj buddies!) and i came across this post, 'More robbery updates.' I really wasn't sure what it was about cause I mean I live at 433 midvale, safest place in the world.

"On October 4, 2005...The first robbery occurred at approximately 1:00am near the intersection of Midvale and Ophir Ave. The suspect, described as a male Caucasian or Hispanic, 5'7", 170lbs, wearing a gray t-shirt and jeans, approached the victim armed with a handgun and demanded money ...The second robbery occurred at approximately 2:00am near the intersection of Strathmore and Gayley Av. The suspect, described as a male African American or Hispanic, wearing a black hooded sweatshirt, black t-shirt and black shorts, approached the victim armed with a handgun and demanded money ...."

Hey, but you know what, stuff like this always happens in the safe neighborhoods. All those baddies just want to pick on the good people, the good neighborhood, the good neighbors. Now that I'm pretty convinced how awesomely schaweet and safe my neighborhood is, Im going to go to class. It's a copy of the Daily Bruin, yay! Hey look at that! What a cool front page picture they have!

A love UCLA. It's so freaky deaky safe! Let me check out what the front page is about. I BET its about how they caught those grimy crooks!
do doo doo...

Explosive found at Midvale

uhh, well at least the police got there on time so that nothing happened

Caption reads: "An explosive device was detonated by the Los Angeles Police Department bomb squad outside of 527 Midvale Ave. on Friday afternoon."

"A low boom was audible for about a one-block radius, and several people who live across the street said they felt their apartments shake.
Beau Gillman ... said he heard shouts of "fire in the hole" before he heard and felt the explosion."

So please everyone come by and visit. We will be providing freeze-dried food, thermos canteens, .9mm rounds, and AK-47's. There is a parking level 2 suitable for fallout. Biohazard suits limited, first come first serve;) All you need is a tooth brush, 2-way shortwave radio, and personalized kevlar. See you soon! MUAH!

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